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and Etymology of "Rephaim"
The name
"Rephaim," by which this uniquely sexual progeny was known, derives
from the word RAPHA
(Strong's Ref. # 7497)
meaning "invigorating"; which adjective is directly derived from the
noun "vigor," which definitions
include: {nouns} strength, energy, lustihood, stamina,
virility, {adjectives} hard, potent, masculine,
male, virile. Thus the very name "Rephaim" was apparently
very specifically and accurately chosen to identify a unique sexual
characteristic of this "fallen" race for which it was condemned and
persecuted anciently.
further defined by more contemporary sources:
tradition in Genesis 6:4 may reflect the Canaanite
myth of the birth of minor gods from the union of
El (God)
and human women. The conception of the Rephaim as supermen
may reflect the Canaanite tradition of defunct kings as rp'um,
or Dispensers of fertility. The identity in
tradition of 'the fallen ones' of Genesis 6:4 and
the Rephaim is supported by the nature of the latter in Proverbs 2:18;
Job 26:5 and Phoenician funerary inscriptions."
- John Gray, Near Eastern Mythology
paragraph at: http://www.lists.lightbearer.com/immortal-l/1998/07/msg00323.html (emphasis
lofty men; giants, (Gen. 14:5; 2 Sam. 21:16, 18, marg. A.V., Rapha,
marg. R.V., Raphah; Deut. 3:13, R.V.; A.V., 'giants'). The
aborigines of Palestine, afterwards conquered and
dispossessed by the Canaanite tribes, are classed under this general
title. They were known to the Moabites as Emim, i.e., 'fearful', (Deut.
2:11), and to the Ammonites as Zamzummim. Some of them found refuge
among the Philistines, and were still existing in the days of David. We
know nothing of their origin. They were not
necessarily connected with the 'giants' (R.V., "Nephilim") of
Gen. 6:4."
(emphasis added)
- Read
Entire Article HERE
Thus, a simple analysis of just the name given this
unique race describes them as "virile" "dispensers of
fertility" to an apparent extent far greater than that of
ordinary men ("supermen"). It
further defines them as being "not necessarily connected with
the 'giants'" reputed in some accounts to have resulted from
the Watchers' sexual involvement with women, thus they were most likely
not the 9-foot-tall giants claimed.
also Vilified by Males for their "Insatiable" "Carnal Lust"
Just as
the multiorgasmic male descendants of the "Fallen Angels" were vilified
as evil by mono-orgasmic males, so have women been similiarly vilified
for likewise possessing multiorgasmic capacity.
described so succinctly at this University
of Alabama website:
western Europe, the Malleus Maleficarum, issued by
the Catholic church in 1484, defined the church’s position on
witches... The Malleus Maleficarum defined
witchcraft as stemming from women’s carnal lust; women
were seen as instruments of Satan because of their insatiable
to the Malleus Maleficarum, 'All
witchcraft is caused by carnal lust, which is in women insatiable.’
" (Heinrich Kramer and James
Sprenger, The Malleus Maleficarum, Question
VI, ed. and
trans. Montague Summers [New York, Dover, 1971, 41-44, in Miles, 121.])

Unprecedented Research Study from Rutgers University
"Dark Gift": The Truth behind the Legends of the
"Fallen Angels" |
While this site has as its
primary focus this Rutgers study and its groundbreaking results, the
many email and guestbook inquiries received regarding the origins and
historical possibilities behind this rare male sexual physiology have
prompted this webpage addition.
Table of Contents
Azazel's Unique Gift
- What
"Sexual Pleasure" did Azazel "Teach"?
- "Divine Sex" vs.
"Human Sex"
- "Watcher" Males
- Canaanite
"Fallen Angels" = Sumerian "Anunnaki"
- Polgyny: An
"Anunnake" Birthright and Continuing Legacy?
- Persecution in
Palestine/Israel and Exodus to Sumer
Sumerian Anunnaki
- Sumerian "Hieros
Gamos" - Multiorgasmic King-making Rite
50 Orgasms Required of King for Goddess' (Women's) Acceptance
- The Courtship of
Inanna and Dumuzi as Script for "Hieros Gamos" (Sacred Marriage)
- "Sacred
Marriage" Multiorgasmic Rite Used by Women to Select Sexually-Equal
- Gilgamesh and
Enkidu also Multiorgasmic?
Sumer's Multiorgasmic Legacy and Women's Equality Fade into History
In Egypt
- The
"Watchers" in Egypt
- The Egyptian Sex
God "Min"
- King Menes and Min,
One and the Same
- Scorpion
King Depicted with Erect Penis
- Herodotus Equates
Menes with Min
- Menes Venerates
- Hephaistos = Ptah
- Ptah = Azazel: "The
Divine Blacksmith"
- Menes
Deified for His "Eternally Firm" Sexual Capacity
Tribe of Benjamin of Rephaim Descent?
Benjamin as a "Son of (the) Min"
- Benjamin
Names His Own Son "Rapha" (of Rephaim)
- Benjamin's
Prolific Historical Figures
Transylvania and
Slavic "Vampirism"
The "Dark Gift"
of Unlimited Orgasmic Capacity
The Slavic Vampire as Archetype
- The Historical Nosferatu
- The Slavic Vampire:
a Sexually "Insatiable" Race
- The "Malleus Maleficarum"
Summary of
Final Thoughts and
Portents for the Future
"Physiologically Impossible" Male?
documented in the published Rutgers study featured at this site, the
male research Subject was born without a Male Refractory Period
(MRP), thus possessing a unique sexual physiology -
one previously thought only to be possessed by women and previously
considered "physiologically impossible" for
As with
multiorgasmic women, he enjoys a sexual capacity that never requires a
"down" time, that never desires "rest" following any number of natural,
fully ejaculatory orgasms; an orgasmic insatiability which has
previously only been recorded and referenced in the ancient myths of
the Rephaim: the truth behind
the vampire legends of the Nosferatu.
Rare Is This MRP-Free Capacity?
Is this
Research Subject the only male without MRP? We seriously doubt it. He
is, however, the first and still only adult male to have this
supposedly "physiologically impossible" sexual
capacity scientifically documented.
this capacity is merely rare or completely unprecedented, the fact
remains that prior to this study all previous documented instances,
claims, or studies of male 'multiorgasmic' ability from ancient history
to today has reference to the interrupted multiple orgasms made
possible through the use of ejaculatory-control techniques. This study
stands alone as the first to successfully document the legitimacy of
this "impossible" ability and provides a foundational premise upon
which to base future research into the actual psycho-physiologic
triggers of the Male Refractory Period.
while this is the first documented scientific study of natural male
multiorgasmic capacity, ancient history and the myths of gothic
"horror" both provide intriguing accounts of an astounding hypothesis
as to the true origins of this "impossible" male sexual capacity.
WATCHERS: An Ancient Race of MRP-Free Multiorgasmic Men?
to today's science this limitless male sexual capacity is new, the
history behind it may be as old as Human existence, itself - if not
perhaps older.
with the ancient accounts of "Fallen Angels" (more
accurately: "The Watchers") descending from heaven
to sexually enjoy human females, to their "demigod" (half-god,
half-human) progeny, called "The Rephaim" (who -- following their
expulsion from the Middle Eastern lands -- became the source of the
myriad sex Gods of antiquity, and ultimately resulting in their
vilification as vampiric "Nosferati" in possession
of the ultimate sexual "Dark
Gift"), this unlimited male sexual capacity has
been genetically passed along through the Ages to the current day.
Watchers were "a specific race of divine beings known in Hebrew as nun
resh 'ayin, 'irin' (resh 'ayin, 'ir' in singular),
meaning 'those who watch' or 'those who are awake',
which is translated into Greek as Egrhgoroi egregoris or grigori,
meaning 'watchers'. These Watchers feature in the main within the pages
of pseudepigraphal and apocryphal works of Jewish origin, such as the
Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees."
- Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels - The
Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 3
Watchers ("Fallen Angels") and their Offspring, The "Rephaim"
"Book of Enoch" Chapter 6, Verses
it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in
those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
the angels, the
children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them,
and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the
children of men and beget us children.'...
they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of
Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon,
because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon
these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba,
Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael
Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael,
Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.
account is further verified and validated in the Bible:
it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground,
and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God(s) (bene
ha-elohim or "Watchers") saw the daughters of men that they were fair;
and they took them wives of all that they chose.
- Genesis 6:1-2 (emphasis added)
sons of God(s) (bene
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children
to them, the same became mighty men which were of
old, men of renown."
- Genesis 6:4 (emphasis added)
ancient account, appearing not only in the Old Testament but also
repeated in much greater detail in the Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls,
the Book of Jubilees,
and referenced repeatedly throughout the Bible, reports an event of
significant validity. As per these accounts, at some point anciently
200 "angels", led in part by Azazel (Azael) and
called the "Sons of God"
(sons of Elohim) in the Old Testament, and intriguingly also
referred to as "The Watchers" and also "The
Nephilim" (The Fallen Ones), became so sexually aroused by
human females that they could no longer constrain themselves, but
descended from the Heavens to Earth (touching down on "Ardis",
presumably Mount Hermon), forfeiting their "first estate" forever, and sexually
enjoying human females abundantly, thus causing fornication to run
rampant despite the strict religious laws forbidding same.
Evidently these "fallen angels" were so sexually unique from
human males as to be almost irresistible to the females of
the area, thereby incurring the "wrath of God" upon them for having so
completely "corrupted" such females and thereafter taking from among
them "wives of all that they chose."
Gifts of Knowledge and Technology to Mankind
The Book
of Enoch elaborates on the Watcher tradition from Genesis 6:1-4.
to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers were angels in heaven who saw the
women on Earth and lusted after them. At their leader
Semjaza’s request, two hundred of them made a pact to descend
from heaven, take the women as wives, and beget children.
of what their true motivations might have been, they did apparently
"descend from heaven" and most certainly did lust after women and
eventually at some point married many of them and had children by them.
However, this was not all these "Watchers" did. According to the ancient texts from many different
sources, the 200 "Watchers" also imparted knowledge and technology to
mankind that had not previously existed among them, including:
- ...they
taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made
them acquainted with plants. (1 Enoch 7:2)
- Azazel
taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates,
and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working
them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the
beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
colouring tinctures (blacksmithing, metallurgy,
mineralogy, and cosmetology). (1 Enoch 8:1)
(emphasis added)
- Semjaza
taught enchantments, and root-cuttings (herbology
and holistic medicine), 'Armaros the resolving of
enchantments (toxicology, anti-venom, etc.),
Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations (astronomy),
Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds (meteorology),
Araqiel the signs of the earth (geology),
Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon (skills
and sciences related to meteorology and astronomy).
(1 Enoch 8:3) (emphasis added)
Azazel's Unique Gift
A more
complete account of the alleged activities by these "Watchers" can be
found in the Books of Enoch, among other ancient texts. Here follows a
summary of some of these activities:
the women he (Azazel) taught the art of
'beautifying' the eyelids, and the use of 'all kinds of costly stones'
and 'colouring tinctures', indicating that before this time the wearing
of make-up and jewelry was unknown. Through this unforgivable act, the
Daughters of Men were believed to have been 'led astray', and because
of it they became 'corrupt', committing fornication not only
with the Watchers themselves, but also, it must be assumed*, with men
who were not their regular partners. Azazel also stood accused of
teaching women how to enjoy sexual pleasure and indulge in
promiscuity - a blasphemy seen as 'godlessness' in the eyes of the
Hebrew storytellers."
"From the Ashes
of Angels", Collins, p. 25, 1996 (emphasis added)
* This
is indeed an assumption, only. There is nothing to suggest that once
having experienced sex with these "Watchers," women suddenly became
openly promiscuous with men other than the "Watchers." And had such
women committed fornication with Hebrew men, such men would have been
in equal violation of their own Law and could hardly have then been
taken seriously in vilifying and condemning the "Watchers" for
committing these same acts.
"Sexual Pleasure" did Azazel "Teach"?
stated previously, Azazel was accused of "...teaching women
how to enjoy sexual pleasure." Apart from the ridiculousness
of considering such a crime, the question must be asked: What
sexual pleasures did Azazel introduce to females that they had not
known previously?
It would
be ridiculous to assume that prior to the Watchers' arrival, women had
been unable to figure out what an orgasm was or how to "enjoy" such.
Additionally it would be equally ludicrous to think that the Watchers
brought with them some new form of sexual practice not already enjoyed
to its most decadent extreme by the many sexually hedonistic cultures
that surrounded the ancient Hebrews and with whom they
at that time coexisted.
Thus the
question remains: What did Azazel -- and presumably
his fellow "Watchers" -- teach women that they hadn't been able to
learn with their ordinary male lovers for the many hundreds, thousands,
or tens of thousands of years of Human existence? Obviously,
there was a level of "sexual pleasure" possible with these "Watchers"
that women had never experienced prior to their arrival. And while the
many influences from the surrounding hedonistic cultures had apparently
not been successful, it was this new "sexual pleasure" brought by the
Watchers that resulted in the wholesale seduction and "corruption" of
Hebrew women, causing the rampant fornication that ensued thereafter --
and perhaps most noteworthy, was supposedly the major motivation behind
God's reported decision to destroy all Mankind in the Great Flood.
biblical tale of the Deluge, the Great Flood, begins in Chapter 6 of
Genesis with eight enigmatic verses. Their presumed purpose was to
explain to future generations how it was - how it could have happened -
that the very Creator of Humankind turned against it, vowing to wipe
Man off the face of the Earth? The fifth verse is supposed to offer
both explanation and justification: 'And Yahweh saw that the wickedness
of Man was great on the Earth, and that every imagination of his
heart's thoughts was evil.' Therefore (verse six) 'Yahweh repented that
He had made Man upon the Earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.'
"But this explanation by the Bible, pointing the
accusing finger at humanity, only increases the puzzle of the chapter's
first four verses, whose subject is not at all humanity but the deities
themselves, and whose focus is the intermarriage between "the sons of
God" and "the daughters of the Adam."
"And if one wonders, what has all that got to do
with the excuse for the Deluge as a punishment of Mankind, the
answer can be given in one word: SEX... Not human sex, but Divine Sex."
"Divine Encounters" Chapter 4, Zecharia Sitchin (emphasis added)
Sex" vs. "human sex"
then exactly constituted "Divine Sex"? And what about such
"Divine Sex" would have been so unique, so separated from all forms of
"human sex" already in practice by the many sexually motivated cultures
in existence? And what about the sex possible between these demigods
and females and the superior sensual pleasures taught to women thereby
was considered so terribly corrupting as to be considered the
motivation behind God's decision to destroy all Humankind via the Great
aside any supernatural elements in logically investigating this
intriguing question, what we do know about the "Fallen
Angels" is that they were all male. Thus, whatever possible
unique sexual characteristic(s) they might have possessed that resulted
in such superior pleasures would have both originated and resulted from
the male side of the heterosexual "equation."
Thus the
question becomes: Is there any inherent male
sexual limitation universal to homo sapiens males
on this planet that might prevent females from learning and enjoying
their full potentials for sexual pleasure?
obvious answer to this question is a resounding "yes!":
one thing I hate is that no matter how you go about it, intercourse
ends almost always when he comes and becomes limp..."
feel it is a great pity that males and females were
sexually-biologically built such that males are ready to quit
just as females are getting started."
the partner is male, the woman is stuck with the limits of his
- female
respondents in "The Hite Report" (1976, p. 325)
natural propensity in normal males to quickly rise to orgasm followed
by a mandatory, physiologically dictated, "down time," thereafter is
called the "Male Refractory Period." This is also
what motivates men's stereotypical "wham, bam, thank-you-ma'am" sexual
response cycle and, all too often, their emotional
"love-'em-and-leave-'em" attitudes where romance is concerned. This is
quite obviously not at all compatible with either the female's own
sexual response cycle or her desires for romance and emotional
have always possessed an orgasmic potential far superior to that of
normal men, regardless of race, society, or culture. All women are, at
least, physiologically capable of an almost infinite capacity
for multiple orgasm; whereas ordinary men most certainly are
not. As a result of this, women are forever kept from
exploring, achieving, and enjoying their natural sexual potentials
while mated to mono-orgasmic males.
Males... Multiorgasmic?
were Azazel and other Watcher males not sexually hampered by a Male
Refractory Period and were thus as naturally multiorgasmic as women
then, with such male sexual equals, females would indeed
experience an enjoyment of sexual pleasure previously impossible and
unknown to them.
Add to
this the intimacies and emotional pleasures of sharing this higher
degree of sensual fulfillment with a loving male partner of equal
sexual capacity and it becomes possible to understand why such
never-ending emotional and sensual communion
would have been so much more appealing to women, who by nature are at
least as emotionally motivated as they are sensually. However, as
relates specifically to erotic pleasures, after a number of multiple
orgasms, true multiorgasmics experience a ever-increasing, opiate-like euphoria or "high"
resulting from the continual release of endorphins orgasm after orgasm.
were the "Watchers" truly multiorgasmic, women would find in such
unique males both lovers and mates with whom their own emotional and
sensual needs and potentials would best be fulfilled.
A most
provocative theory. But, is there any evidence to support
The Name "Azazel" and the Multiorgasmic Implications of its Etymology
intriguing evidence of Azazel's known sexual nature is found in the
origin of the particular name ascribed to this sensuous "Fallen Angel"
by the ancient Hebrews:
word is itself derived from SHD 5810 ‘azaz'
which is a prime root meaning to be stout.
Literally or figuratively it means to harden,
be impudent,
prevail or strengthen
the self or to be strong."
- http://www.logon.org/english/s/p153.html
As with
the sexually slanted etymology of the prime root term most notably
given the Watcher offspring, Rephaim, ("vigor",
meaning "lustihood, stamina, virility, hard,
potent, masculine, male"), so also do we find that
the term "Azazel" also contains specific apparent references to male
"virility" and "hard"-ness.
To the
hyper-"pious" sensibilities of the ancient Canaanites, who could argue
that there could be nothing more "impudent" (immodest, shameless) than
the "harden"-ed male sexual organ? And in the case of a "Fallen Angel"
possessing true multiorgasmic capacity and for whom a continually erect
phallus ("strengthen[ing] the self") while sexually aroused would
notably be maintained regardless of the number of fully ejaculatory
multiple orgasms experienced, this pronounced and highly unusual male
sexual capacity would most certainly have strongly influenced the name
by which this particular Watcher would forever be remembered.
then we find an intriguing possible explanation of how Azazel
might have taught women to "enjoy sexual pleasure" to a degree
significantly greater than that previously possible to heterosexual
while such a theory most certainly explains the extremely libidinous
accounts of the "Fallen Angels" with human females, and how it was that
Azazel could stand accused of "teaching women to enjoy sexual pleasure"
previously unknown to them, and why the ancient Hebrews vilified these
"Watcher" males for having so "corrupted" their females, and why their
version of "God" would have been so reportedly motivated to destroy all
humankind in the Great Deluge as a result of such highly developed
sensuality, what do the ancient texts, the archeaological and
anthropological studies into such ancient Middle Eastern cultures
reveal apart from religious interpretations as to who and what these
"Watchers" were?
is there any true evidence to support such a
provocative theory?
Canaanite "Fallen Angels" = Sumerian "Anunnaki"
As has
already been proven by science, the story of Noah's Flood in Genesis
find its origins in a far more ancient account of this same flood in
the Sumerian tale of the "Epic of Gilgamesh." And as concluded by many
scholars and archaeologists specializing in ancient Sumer, the "Fallen
Angels" of Genesis also find direct parallel and were indeed synonymous
with the earlier accounts of the Sumerian "Anunnaki," who like the
"Fallen Angels" were also a group of superior beings who descended to
Earth and openly provided Humankind with key knowledge necessary to
modern Human civilization, including agriculture, writing, the basic
sciences and mathematics.
whereas the ancient Sumerians called these "heavenly" beings "Anunnaki",
meaning "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came", the
Canaanites and their descendants the Israelites chose to instead vilify
these same beings with the appellation, "Nefilim",
which meant "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Fell."
The implication apparent to all that, to the ancient Canaanites, these
beings were not to be considered as benevolent beings from "Heaven," as
they were so considered by the Sumerians, but instead as malevolent
evil beings who had rebelled against God, been cast out of Heaven by
Him, and thus had fallen to Earth, therefrom.
information on this subject can be found in the writings of Zecharia
Sitchin, "Internationally acclaimed author and Biblical
scholar," who continues to write books and articles on this topic.
Chapter Four ("The Nephilim: Sex and Demigods") of his book "Divine
Encounters," offers intriguing additional information on this subject:
biblical term Nefilim, the sons of the Elohim who were then upon the
Earth, parallels the Sumerian Anunnaki ('Those Who from
Heaven to Earth Came'); the Bible itself (Numbers 13:33)
explains this by pointing out that the Nefilim were 'sons of Anak'
(Hebrew rendering of Anunnaki). The time preceding the Deluge was thus
a time when the young Anunnaki began to have sex with young human
females; and being compatible, had children by them - offspring part
mortal and part 'divine': demigods.
such demigods were present on Earth is amply attested in Near Eastern
texts, be it in regard to individuals (such as the Sumerian
Gilgamesh) or long dynasties (such as the reported dynasty of
thirty demigods in Egypt that preceded the Pharaohs); both
instances, however, pertain to post-Diluvial times. But in the biblical
preamble to the Deluge tale we have an assertion that the "taking of
wives" from among the human females by the 'sons of the Elohim' - sons
of the DIN.GIR - had already begun well before the Deluge."
(emphasis added)
Of additional evidence that the Sumerian "Anunnaki" were, in fact, the
precursors of the "Nefilim" ("Sons of God," "Fallen Angels,"
"Watchers") of Genesis, Jubilees, the Books of Enoch, etc., is the fact
that the very name "Sumer" means, in the original Sumerian language,
"Land of the Watchers." Hence from ancient times on, and as the
Sumerians identified themselves, Sumer was indeed the Land of the
"Watchers," the Land of the "Fallen Angels":
or SUMER = Land of the Watchers"
Sumerian Dictionary
Polygyny: An "Anunnake" Birthright and
Continuing Legacy?
understandable is the concept that, for males capable of such
insatiable and unlimited sexuality, polygyny (that form of polygamy in
which there is one male and multiple females) might indeed be the
logical marital preference. Thus, it is reasonable to consider likely
the idea that polygyny as a practice might well have been introduced to
Human society by such multiorgasmic "fallen angels."
it is a fact that despite the dominance of monogamy as the societal
norm in Western culture, the fact remains that even today over 85% of
all world societies are polygynous. And the great majority of
all such societies have as their cultural example ancient Judaism and,
more recently, Islam, both of whom have as their earliest "prophet",
father, and leader the figure of Father Abraham, himself originally
from "Ur of the Chaldees", which we identify today as the ancient
Sumerian city of Uruk, from whence Abraham brought with him the
practice of polygyny.
with the growing acceptance of gay marriage, the legal issues re: the
continued criminality of polygyny and the blatant discrimination now
apparent in decriminalizing one marital option among consenting adults
while continuing to criminalize another far more ancient and natural
one (over 95% of all mammals are polygynous) is finally beginning to be
noticed and legally addressed. After all, if it's okay that "Heather Has Two Mommies", why
should it then be illegal if she have two mommies and a daddy?
Persecution in Palestine/Israel and Exodus to Sumer
("Land of the Watchers")
(ca 7,000 - 5,000 BCE)
search for more information regarding the descendents of the original
200 "Watcher" males is hampered by the fact that while the basic
initial terrestrial history of the Watchers and their progeny exists in
almost every Near and Middle Eastern historical record (e.g., the Old
Testament, Talmud, the Book of Jubilees, the Books of Enoch, the Dead
Sea Scrolls), yet so little references exist concerning their
characteristics and the later history of their descendents, the
Rephaim. However one event is found in almost every surviving
historical document regarding the Rephaim that recounts an attempt made
by the ancient Canaanites to slaughter
them all.
motivation given for such wholesale slaughter is reported in the Book
of Enoch. Despite the fact that all accounts, including the Book of
Enoch, clearly record that the "Watchers" had lawfully married their
wives and with them had children, yet the Book of Enoch specifically
calls the children of these marriages "bastards" and "children of
to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against
the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of
fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children
of the Watchers from amongst men..."
all the souls addicted to dalliance (lust*),
and the offspring of the
- * (Knibb, p. 90; cp. Charles, p. 76)
Book of Enoch, Chapter 10, vs 9, 18
Yet despite the Bible's references to the destruction of the Rephaim,
later Biblical references speak of their continued existence in
Palestine (e.g., Numbers: 13:22; 13:28-33; Deut: 1:28; 2:1-;
9:2; Joshua: 11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; Judges: 1:20).
Thus the
Watchers and their progeny, the Rephaim, were not completely destroyed
during this first genocidal attempt, though many were killed. Instead
the evidence strongly suggests that the majority of the surviving
Rephaim escaped and migrated to other more tolerant and almost
infinitely more sensual societies in the Fertile Crescent area,
particularly the land of Sumer (also rendered "Shu' Mer" and "Shin'
Ar"), whose very name means "Land of the Watchers"
(see SHIN' AR or SUMER in the "Sumerian Dictionary").
Anunnaki and their Descendants Multiorgasmic
("Land of the 'Watchers'"), the first true empire and civilization in
recorded history (ca 5,000 - 2,000 BCE), was -- according to its own
mythology -- founded by and flourished under the reign of the
"Anunnaki" (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came"), who were the
Sumerian equivalent of the "Nefilim" (Those Who from Heaven to Earth
Fell"), also known as the "Watchers," whose progeny were the Rephaim.
more than any culture before or since, Sumer glorified and celebrated
eroticism and sexual activity. Public sexual expression, incest and
pedophilia, and sacred prostitution: all have their origins in Sumerian
culture. Yet also during the Sumerian period did women enjoy the most
economic, social, and sexual freedoms than they have ever since. With
the Anunnaki, women were truly considered equal in every way. This was
due to the fact that both the Anunnaki males and their descendants as
well as the Human females with whom they shared and enjoyed all, were
equal sexually and emotionally. All were multiorgasmic.
to this webpage is the theory that the "Watchers" were multiorgasmic.
Thus, were the Anunnaki equivalent with the "Watchers" (Nefilim) of
Canaanite mythology, they too would also have been multiorgasmic. And
sure enough, we soon discovered irrefutable proof of this in perhaps
the single most important public ritual practiced annually by the
Sumerians for over 2,000 years and was later practiced in many
derivative forms by Pagans worldwide.
Hieros Gamos
("Sacred Marriage"): The Multiorgasmic Sumerian
King-making Sex Ritual
stated above, the king's capacity for leadership was tested via the
Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) ceremony wherein he sexually re-enacted
with the Priestess the role of Dumuzi, the demi-god ruler of Sumer.
Without this ceremony, "he was not considered fit to
his kingship depended upon his ability to consummate "his marriage with
the goddess" not once or twice... but "fifty times." That's right: 50
orgasms, one after the other, non-stop.
By this
requirement, all Sumerian Kings had to be... multiorgasmic.
high priestess, acting in place of The Goddess (Inanna), had sex with
the new king to show the Goddess's people that the Goddess herself
accepted him as their caretaker and ruler of the country. Not only did
these two have sex fifty times, but the entire
congregation had front row seats to these fifty climaxes...."
And while the above-cited quote has it appear that 50 orgasms were
required of each, the ancient texts themselves limit this 50-orgasm
requirement to the man, alone. Only the King-apparent, in the role of
the God Dumuzi, was required to climax 50 times.
ritual text itself, used in the actual Sumerian "Sacred Marriage" rite,
makes clear that it is the King-apparent, assuming the role of the
mortal "Dumuzi," who experiences these fifty orgasms:
"My beloved, the delight of my eyes, met me.
We rejoiced together.
He took his pleasure of me.
He brought me into his house.
He laid me down on the fragrant honey-bed.
My sweet love, lying by my heart, Tongue-playing,
one by one,
My fair Dumuzi did so fifty
Now, my sweet love (i.e., Dumuzi) is sated."
from "The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi,"
ca 3000 BCE) (emphasis added)
multiorgasmic interpretation is further validated in the book "Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth"
(1983, Wolkstein & Kramer) where this passage is indeed
understood as Dumuzi "...making love to her 'fifty times'"
(p. 153).
after fifty such orgasms is Dumuzi, her male lover
(twice described by Inanna as "my sweet love" in the above-excerpted
passage), sexually "sated."
any doubt still remain as to the correct interpretation of this "fifty
times" passage, another version of this same event was recorded
anciently and can be found online at Oxford University's "Electronic
Corpus of Sumerian Literature":
"When my
sweet precious (Inanna), my heart, had lain down
Each of them in turn kissing with the tongue, each in turn,
Then my brother (Dumuzi) of the beautiful
eyes did it fifty times to her,
Exhaustedly waiting for her, as she trembled underneath him, dumbly
silent for him.
My dear precious passed the time with my brother laying his hands on
her hips."
from "A Balbale of Inana and Dumuzid,"
t.4.08.04, 12-18)
And then we have the personal account of Enmerkar, King of Uruk,
relating his personal experience in the "Sacred Marriage" Rite
of Kingship with an "entu" or "hierodule" (the female
priestess representing Inanna in "Sacred Marriage" rite) (ca 2600 BCE).
Responding to a boast by the governor of a neighboring city claiming to
be the true "beloved" of Inanna, and thus attempting to make himself a
potential rival to Uruk's throne, Enmerkar replies:
"He may
lie with her in sweet slumber on the adorned bed, but I lie
on Inana's splendid bed strewn with pure plants. Its back is
an ug lion, its front is a pirig
lion. The ug lion chases the pirig
lion, the pirig lion chases the ug lion. As the ug
lion chases the pirig lion and the pirig
lion chases the ug lion, the day does not dawn, the
night does not pass. I accompany Inana for a journey of (15)
double-hours*..." (Lines 77-88)
"Enmerkar and Ensuhkesdanna: A Sumerian
Narrative Poem", Berlin, p. 45 (emphasis added)
* In personal
commnication, the author, Dr. Adele Berlin, explained that the Sumerian
"double-hour" refers to the distance that could be traveled in two
hours. To our reply email asking her opinion of the theory that this
might refer to a non-stop sexual "journey" of 30 hours, Dr. Berlin
replied "You have understood the passage well. The idea is of a
never-ending night of lovemaking with the goddess, which proves who is
the superior king." Thus,
apparently Enmerkar chose to use this common term for distance to more
literally and figuratively illustrate the sexual "journey" taken by
both he and Inanna [i.e., her priestess], with whom he orgasmically
"accompany"-ied for 30 hours.
"accompany"-ing Inanna in bed on a 30-hour ("15 double-hours") sexual
"journey" during the "Sacred Marriage" king-making rite rather than to
instead "lie with her in sweet slumber", Enmerkar indisputably lays
hold to the superior sexual claim to Inanna's favor, and thus Uruk's
throne. Enmerkar further illustrates the eternal nature of their
lovemaking by using as metaphor the two lion decorations inlaid into
the Sacred Marriage bed, itself, likewise eternally "chasing" each
other about the bed's base.
his lesser rival, Enmerkar had proved himself worthy of kingship in
proving himself capable of fully "accompany"-ing the sexually
insatiable Inanna:
powers are prodigious. She is capable of making love through
the day and night... The marriage of the goddess Inanna to
the king was of essential importance to the people of Sumer. It was by
this religious ritual that Inanna, Queen of Heaven, would take the
earth-king into the "sweetness of her holy loins," and by her cosmic
powers ensure the king's powers of leadership and fertiliity.
Inanna, the Goddess of Love, does not offer her favors freely. Not only
must she be properly approached with sweet words and gifts, but she
must be properly and amply loved. A lion of a man is
demanded: a king who is equal to Inanna..."
- "Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth",
1983, Wolkstein & Kramer; p. 155 (emphasis
Once the King met with Inanna's (the Priestess') sexual approval by
proving his multiorgasmic capacity, thus evidencing his possession of
this unique Rephaim (Anunnaki) trait, then were the following words
spoken signifying her acceptance of him as a "fit" and "worthy" King:
the chosen shepherd of the holy shrine,
You, the king, the faithful
provider of Uruk,
You, the light of An's great shrine,
In all ways you are fit:
To hold your head high on the lofty dais,
To sit on the lapis lazuli throne,
To cover your head with the holy crown...
To bind yourself with the garments of kingship,...
In all ways you are fit.
May your heart enjoy long days...
You are the favorite of Ningal. Inanna holds you dear."
Sacred Marriage likely originated in the Sumerian city of
Uruk (which was dedicated to the Goddess Inanna) earlier than
3000 B.C. The Sacred Marriage was between the Goddess Inanna
and either the high priest (representing the god), or the
king (representing the God Dumuzi), and was performed in the
temples of various fertility goddesses for nearly two thousand years.
The annual symbolic reenactment of this mythical union was a public
celebration essential to the well-being of the community, and since it
was the occasion of a joyous celebration, it may have involved sexual
activity on the part of the worshipers in and around the temple grounds
(Lerner 240). The fact that the king of Sumer ritually
married a representative of the goddess Inanna once every year
helped sustain the power of the priestesses at least for a time
(Stephenson 56). Rites similar to the Sacred Marriage also flourished
in classical Greece and pre-Christian Rome (Lerner 240)."
Women in Mesopotamia (emphasis added)
yearly rite, which begins with sacrifices and culminates in this sacred
marriage or "hieros gamos", is delicately and
sketchily described by Geoffrey Parrinder {"World Religions from
Ancient History to the Present," (Facts on File Publications, New York,
1983), pp. 125-128} who observes that the king acted as the
successor to Dumuzi, lover and husband of Inanna. In
re-enacting the love-feast of these two deities that assured fertility:
"The part of the goddess was given to a selected priestess." Parrinder
notes that entry to the higher classes of priesthood
was by patronage, so that society's physically and
intellectually favored were selected. A highly readable
account of the sacred marriage of Inanna and Dumuzi, giving full and
glowing details of their lovemaking and subsequent exchange of gifts
has recently been published. This work describes the results
of the sacred union in terms of establishing the authority and throne
of the king, granting him a favorable and glorious reign and
an enduring crown, fertile fields, sheep, vegetation, grain, birds, and
produce in abundance {Wolkstein, Diane, and Samuel N. Kramer, "Inanna:
Queen of Heaven and Earth, Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer"
(Harper & Row, N.Y., 1983), pp. 146-147}.
from a Sumerian seal, described by Iris Furlong in "The Mythology of
the Ancient Near East" in The Feminist Companion to Mythology, edited
by Carolyne Larrington, shows sacred marriage rites may have been
performed in Sumer before the middle of the third millennium B.C. -
more than 4500 years... This feast of collective pleasure involved the
whole populace and lasted many days, according to A.T. Mann
and Jane Lyle in (their book) "Sacred Sexuality."
Everything in the rite was designed to stir the senses; men and women
anointed themselves with essences, paints and jewelry, toasted the
goddess and her bridegroom with wine and danced serpentine dances to
lyre, flute and drum. Hierophants and priestesses performed libations
and sacrifices and burned as incense cinnamon, aloes and myrrh. At the
ritual's peak, the king approached the temple with offerings of oil,
precious spices and delectable foods to tempt the goddess. He
mounted the goddess at the temple summit as the crowd chanted poetry.
The ritual was performed as an allegorical masque, according to
Furlong, including speaking parts and probably music; the king played
the part of the god Dumuzi ("faithful son"), and a priestess of the
highest rank played the goddess Inanna or Ishtar in a ritualized
enactment of the divine coupling. The poetry of the ritual ("The
Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi"), translated from the Sumerian
Gudea Cylinders, circa 3000 B.C., reflects an attitude toward
sex, and sexual spirituality, much different than that prevailing in
Western culture today.
sacred marriage as a rite acted on many levels. On a physical level, it
renewed fertility. The Sumerians, according to Furlong, considered
their ruler responsible for agricultural prosperity, and all sexual
reproduction on earth, vegetable, animal and human, depended on his
intercourse with the goddess. The sacred marriage also
legitimized the king's power; without it, Mann and Lyle write,
he was not considered fit to rule. His leadership ability was directly
linked to his consummating his marriage with the goddess.
"Sacred Marriage" Multiorgasmic Rite Used to Select Sexually-Equal Kings
Consecration of the Sacred King - after the close complicity of the
night spent with Dumuzi (the Sacred Marriage Ceremony),
Inanna decrees the fate of her chosen consort and priest-king, because
"in all ways" She found him " fit" and "Inanna holds you dear". It
must be pointed out that in South Mesopotamia, after kingship descended
from the heavens to Eridu, it is Inanna and Enlil who descend to Earth
to choose and crown the king, as described in the myth of
Etana. It is Inanna (or her earthly representative, the High Priestess
of Uruk/the land) again in the Courtship that decrees the fate of the
king/Dumuzi. This is a very strong evidence that at least the High
Priestess was equal in status to the king, once he had to be first
accepted by her to rule the land as her consort.
There are "hints that Ishtar was in some way responsible for
the selection and sanctioning of the kings of the Sumerian city-states,
who acted as stewards of the divine sovereigns. It was this way...which
gave rise to the concept of sacred marriage, the 'temple prostitution'
that the later Bible writers would find so abominable. The
sacred marriage was a formal, highly stylized cultic institution, at
one and the same time religious and political, enacted between the high
priestess representing Ishtar, and the king in the role of high priest
representing the city as the vicar of god; and though this
act of sacred sexuality, the power of the divinity flowed down from
heaven through the king to the people and the land."
- Magnus
Magnusson, BC - The Archaeology of the Bible Lands
"...A text does exist describing the coronation of a Sumerian king
during the Uruk period (late fourth millennium). According to this
text, the king-to-be approached the throne dais of the
goddess Inanna-Ishtar. There he received from her the 'bright scepter'
and the 'golden crown'. He probably also received from her a
new, royal name."
- An
Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism
First Gods and Kings (The Anunnaki) Were Multiorgasmic
Thus it
can only be concluded that the entire Sumerian "Sacred Marriage" Rite
was established as a necessary means of ensuring that all of Sumer's
kings possessed the invaluable male sexual capacity of being wholly and
truly multiorgasmic. The public display of this male multiorgasmic
trait validated their original "divine" Anunnaki bloodline before all
the people, thus legitimizing their right to rule. And thus, this trait
came direct from the original Anunnaki, the Canaanite "Nefilim," the
"Watchers" who descended "from Heaven" anciently to teach women "sexual
pleasure" previously unknown to them. As their kingly descendants,
these "demi-god" Sumerian kings were required to prove themselves
multiorgasmic prior to being permitted to acquire and/or retain the
throne. Thus, given this fact, their forefathers, the Anunnaki, must
have likewise possessed this same required "kingly" sexual trait.
necessity of ensuring these kings as being of the divine Anunnaki
birthright and bloodline is explained here:
be a bridge to the gods, the king had to be superior in his very
essence to ordinary people. The early kings were crucial to
the development and survival of Sumerian civilization... Kingship was
so important in Sumerian times that the Sumerian King List records "that
kingship came down from heaven". Crucial as they were to
state formation, these earliest kings had to find a way to legitimate
their power. As they had the weight of historical precedence to
buttress their idea of rule, no dynastic principle to assure the rights
of a successor, they had to demonstrate that they were
greater than the rest of the populace.
Given that the "Sacred Marriage" ceremony so explicitly served as the
Final Test whereby a prospective heir-apparent to the throne proved his
right to King-ship, the importance of his ability to perform "fifty
times" with the Priestess must have been of incalculable importance to
the Sumerians.
As only
truly multiorgasmic males could perform sexually as required by this
sex ritual, thereby "...demonstrat(ing) that they were greater than the
rest of the populace" and thus showing themselves "superior in (their)
very essence to ordinary people," the only reasonable conclusion to be
drawn is that the original "Anunnaki" Gods and Kings of Sumer were
multiorgasmic, as also were their more earthly descendants and rightful
heirs to the Sumerian throne. This then necessitated that an ritual be
prepared that permitted the populace to ensure that their King did
indeed descend from the Anunnaki bloodline and, thus, was worthy and
"fit" to be their King.
and Enkidu also Multiorgasmic?
In the
later Sumerian/Babylonian myth of "Epic of Gilgamesh" ("He Who Saw Everything", Part I),
Gilgamesh is described as a demi-god King ("'I am king indeed?' His
name was called Gilgamesh From the very day of his birth, He was
two-thirds god, one third man..."), a giant also ("Eleven cubits high
he is, nine spans his chest"), and one stronger than all other males
and also possessing an insatiable sexuality:
young girls made women by Gilgamesh His lusts are such,
and no virgin left to her lover! Not the daughter of a warrior, Nor the
wife of a nobleman! Yet he is king and should be. The people's careful
shepherd... He is wise, he is handsome, he is firm as a rock...
No virgin left to her lover, For he lusts strongly!"
In the
legend, the people complain to the Gods about Gilgamesh and so an equal
to Gilgamesh is formed and called "Enkidu." This new male being is at
first tempted into submission via a hierodule (sacred maiden), a "child
of pleasure," of the Temple of Inanna/Ishtar. This young woman sex
priestess then seduces Enkidu and his multiorgasmic session with her is
"She had
no shame for this, Made herself naked Welcomed his eagerness Incited
him to love, Taught the woman's art. Six days, seven nights,
That time lying together, Enkidu had forgotten his home Had
forgotten the hills. After that time he was satisfied... For
six days and seven nights Enkidu made love to that girl."
only after lovemaking for almost an entire week is this particular male
satisfied. And while myths do tend to over-exaggerate the acts of gods
and demigods, yet where Sumerian and Babylonian myths regarding sexual
capacity are concerned, it must be remembered that the "Sacred
Marriage" ceremony requiring the King to orgasm "fifty times" was not
myth or legend, but was a very real and oft-documented ceremony for
over 2,000 years in Sumer, Thus, such "superhuman" male sexual capacity
was indeed very real in that time and place and did not need to be
Multiorgasmic Legacy Fades into History
... and Women's Equality Fades Away with Them
after the Anunnaki and their descendants faded from power in Sumer, for
as-yet-unknown reasons, did the subsequent kingdoms of Babylonia and
later, Assyria, begin to dominate females and deprive them of
their former prestige and position while moving swiftly to
control and repress female sexualtiy, whose multiorgasmic nature had
for so many millennia been championed and equally enjoyed by the
Rephaim but which now fell under the domination of sexually
intimidated, mono-orgasmic males:
history of women in Mesopotamia is a long and complex one.
Part of this is due to the fact that there are many divisions in the
history of Mesopotamia itself. History begins in Mesopotamia with
civilizations there rising and falling and shifting. Along with these
shifting civilizations came shifting views about women, particularly
their status and freedoms. This essay will cover the status of women
during the different civilizations of Mesopotamia: Sumeria,
Babylonia, Assyria,
and Judea. Of special interest, however, is the
Assyrian period, which lasted from 900 BC.-600BC. During this period,
an extremely important law, entitled the Middle Assyrian Law 40, was
written that still affects women of this region today. With MAL 40, the
state assumed control of female sexuality by forcing certain
women to wear veils, and restricting other women from wearing them.
With each successive civilization, women enjoyed less freedom
and a lower status, and a patriarchal revolution slowly took
first ancient Mesopotamian civilization was that of Sumeria...
During this period, a woman's strongest position was in
relation to the temples. Often young girls worked
in the temples as housekeepers or as concubines to the earthly
representatives of the gods (Stephenson 56). Fathers were
proud to have their daughters serving religion in this way.
They would mark their daughters' entry into temple life with a
ceremonial sacrifice and bestow the girls' marriage dowries to the
temple (Stephenson 56). Nin-dingir priestesses
annually participated in the Sacred Marriage by
impersonating or representing the goddess Inanna (Lerner 239). The
Sacred Marriage likely originated in the Sumerian city of Uruk (which
was dedicated to the Goddess Inanna) earlier than 3000 B.C.
The basis for the ritual of the Sacred Marriage was the belief that
fertility of the land and of people depended on the celebration of the
sexual power of the fertility goddess (Lerner 239). The Sacred Marriage
was between the Goddess Inanna and either the high priest (representing
the god), or the king (representing the God Dumuzi), and was performed
in the temples of various fertility goddesses for nearly two
thousand years. The annual symbolic reenactment of this
mythical union was a public celebration essential to the well-being of
the community, and since it was the occasion of a joyous celebration,
it may have involved sexual activity on the part of the worshipers in
and around the temple grounds (Lerner 240). The fact that the king of
Sumer ritually married a representative of the goddess Inanna once
every year helped sustain the power of the priestesses at least for a
time (Stephenson 56). Rites similar to the Sacred Marriage
also flourished in classical Greece and pre-Christian Rome
(Lerner 240).
about 1750 BC. the Sumerians, who had been the
creative force in developing Western civilization, were
overcome by neighboring Semitic people, the Babylonians,
whose greatest king gave his famous Code of Hammurabi to
history (Stephenson 57). Historians have learned much about the
Babylonian male/female relationship, and the status of women, from the
Code of Hammurabi. Under these laws, a woman could be divorced on
virtually any grounds: childlessness, adultery, and even poor household
management. For example, one of the rules states, "If she
have not been a careful mistress, have gadded about, have neglected her
house, and have belittled her husband or children , they shall throw
that woman into the water." All the husband need do to obtain
a divorce was say, "Thou art not my wife," and return her dowry (Walsh
24). However, a wife who used these words against her husband would be
drowned. A woman could not divorce her husband, but she could leave him
if she could prove that her husband had been cruel and that she had
been faithful, and then simply return to her parents' home with her
dowry. A wronged husband was free to kill his wife and her lover (Walsh
- Women in Mesopotamia (emphasis
Jessica Bieda, Univ. of Az., Women's Studies Dept.
foreboding foreshadowing of future vilification during the 15th-16th
Centuries for their "insatiable" "carnal lust," the Babylonians began
to actively persecute women as "witches":
"By the
time of the Code of Hammurabi, formulated between 1792 and 1750 BC, the
position of women had obviously been greatly eroded. The crimes
recorded on the tablets which now outnumbered all others were those of
witchcraft and female adultery. According to the Code the accused woman
was subjected to the ordeal of the river. If she survived being thrown
into a river, she was absolved from any crime. Were she to drown,
however, this was considered to be proof of her guilt. This way of
ascertaining her guilt or otherwise had a continuing influence for
hundreds of years. In Europe, women accused of witchcraft were
subjected to similar ordeals by water up until medieval times."
- "The
Mythology of Sex", Dening, Ch. 3
It is
thus apparent that by the time of the Babylonian Period, the Rephaim
were clearly no longer an influence in the area. Where the Sumerian
Rephaim might have emmigrated during the advent of the Babylonian
Empire is not known.
approximately 1,500 years earlier, after first establishing the
Sumerian Empire, other Rephaim were actively establishing the
longest-lived empire in World history: Egypt.
From Sumer to Egypt (ca 3,500
- 3,300 BCE)
is archaeological evidence of a strong cultural connection between
Sumer and ancient Egypt. 'Ptah' and the other gods
were called, in Egyptian, Ntr = 'Guardian, Watcher'."
(ie, 'The Watchers')
had come to Egypt, the Egyptians wrote,
from Ta-Ur, the 'Far/Foreign Land,' whose name Ur meant 'oldest' but
could have also been the actual place name - a place well known from
Mesopotamian and biblical records: the ancient city of Ur in southern
Mesopotamia. And the straits of the Red Sea, which connected
Mesopotamia and Egypt, were called Ta-Neter, the 'Place of
the Gods ('Watchers'),'
the passage by which they had come to Egypt. That the earliest gods did
come from the biblical lands of Shem is additionally borne out by the
puzzling fact that the names of these olden gods were of 'Semitic'
(Akkadian) derivation. Thus Ptah, which had no meaning in Egyptian,
meant 'he who fashioned things by carving and opening up' in the
Semitic tongues."
- Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men (http://echoes.devin.com/watchers/sons-of-god.html)
(emphasis added)
was, in fact, the biblical Land of Shin'ar. It was
the land whose name - Shumer - literally meant the
Land of the Watchers. It was indeed the Egyptian Ta Neter -
Land of the Watchers, the land from which the gods
had come to Egypt."
Zecharia Sitchin, Stairway to Heaven (http://echoes.devin.com/watchers/sons-of-god.html)
"Watchers" in Egypt
If, as
the Egyptians believed, Sumer (present-day Iraq) was indeed the Ta
Neter (Land of the Gods) from which Land the Gods ("Watchers") had come
to Egypt, what evidence is there in Egypt that would help either prove
or disprove the Sumerian/Fallen Angel Connection, and further, what
evidence is there that such "Watchers" in Egypt possessed some
superhuman sexual capacity?
the Hebrews believed the Watchers and their progeny, in particular,
were blood-thirsty "giants" bent on the destruction and corruption of
Humankind, yet if such evil, malignant, giant superbeings actually did
make their way into Egypt, surely such a dreadful arrival would have
figured prominently in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and historical
texts, as well. If the Watchers were the massive cannibalistic monsters
as depicted and vilified in Genesis, the Books of Enoch, the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the Book of Jubilees, etc., they would have posed an horrific
threat to the Egyptians as these supposedly murderous
half-humans/half-demons invaded their lands. And yet nothing of any
such "invasion" by any such foreigners from the East appears anywhere
in Egyptian history of this period. No accounts exist at all of
cannabilistic giants devouring whole villages, etc, as exists in Hebrew
records. In fact, no successful invasion into Egypt occurred at all
until the Greeks' conquest of Egypt under Alexander, thousands of years
Yet as
seen in the previous quotes, there can be no doubt that the Egyptians
recorded the arrival of "the Watchers" in Egypt from the Mesopotamian
area of Sumer (Shu'mer) approximately 3500 BCE.
So, as
Egypt's "Gods" came from Sumer anciently, who were the "Watchers" in
Egypt... really?
The key
to their discovery lies not in looking for "giants" or "cannibals" or
even "demons" (all Hebrew lies), but in first searching for an Egyptian
"Watcher" (God) or group of "Watchers" leaving some mark on Egyptian
history in exemplifying the single indisputable defining characteristic
of the Watchers: their superhuman sexual capacity.
course, it's not enough to simply find a male sex god or gods and
assume that such must be of the "Watchers." No... if such a "Watcher"
existed, he would have to fill additional requirements. After all, we
have historical records that document the history and origins of these
"Watchers," and while many of the specific vilifications and
condemnations of the "Watchers" can be taken with a rather large grain
of salt, yet there are basic characteristics and historical evidences
revealed that can be useful in establishing a fairly reliable,
relatively credible base of general "Watcher" characteristics, and any
Egyptian "Watcher" candidate(s) would have to match these same
in addition to exemplifying the epitome of the male sexual ideal
("super" "virility"), any such "Watcher":
- Would
have been documented as being a real man/being, not simply a "God"
based on a myth, legend, or superstition, etc.;
- Would
not have been native to Egypt, but would have specifically arrived in
Egypt from either Canaan/Palestine or - preferably - Sumer (whose very
name in
Sumerian and Egyptian means "Land of the Watchers," further evidence of
obvious ancient contact existing between them); and
- Would
have had to arrive in a timeframe following the Watchers' expulsion
Canaan/Palestine, ca 4,000 BCE.
almost no "deity" could arguably hope to pass even the first of these
criteria, yet there is one Egyptian "deity" that does... and further
succeeds in passing all three, historically and convincingly, and whose
very name, like "Rephaim," specifically refers to never-ending
"virility" of an eternal sexually "firm" nature.
Watcher deity in question was by far the most "virile" of all
the ancient Sex Gods. And according to many Egyptologists, he
also happened to be Egypt's first Pharoah, King Menes.
Egyptian Sex God, "Min" No Myth

above for more info
Eternal "Firm One"
Egyptian God of "Male Sexual Prowess"
By far
the most sexual and "potent" of all Egypt's gods and arguably the most
blatantly sexual of all the Ancient World's pantheon of fertility gods
was the profoundly ithyphallic (with erect penis) sexual deity, "Min"
(also known as Amsu, Menu, and Khem),
whose well-hung likeness has been found in artifacts dating at least as
far back as 3,000 B.C.E. (B.C.). While to Western minds, the
deification of such an overtly sexual being might seem shocking, yet
millennia before the Christian Era, sexuality itself was
worshipped. Gods and goddesses of sexual capacity were
symbolically and erotically venerated, and sexual expression, itself,
was viewed as the greatest of human oblations and sacraments to the
"Min, Bull of the Great Phallus, ...
"You are the Great Male, the owner of all
The Bull who is united with those of the sweet love,
of beautiful face and of painted eyes, Victorious
sovereign among the Gods who inspires fear in the Ennead. ...
"The goddesses are glad, seeing your perfection."
-- Hymn to Min
Menes and Min, One and the Same
or Minu, in Egyptian), unlike
later sex gods, was not regarded primarily as some metaphorical
fertility god, but was worshipped as the actual "bestower of sexual
powers" to men, and never-ending "virility" and "orgiastic
festivals" were annually held in his honor. Min was also
considered another form of the God Horus (Horu
or Heru), the "Avenger" of his
father Osiris, and, later still, as a further representation of Amen,
Amon, or Amun, the
Chief God of the Ancient Egyptians after the XIIth Dynasty.
is Menu (Min)
while Min preceded Amen by at least several hundred
years and was later amalgamated into Amen, yet
recent discoveries have verified that Amen
is, himself, descended from Min:
was the prototype of Amon". [M.
Eliade, Patterns in comparative religion, 1958: 91]
was scarcely distinguishable from Min, probably a dialectical variation
of the same name." [R.
Briffault, The mothers; a study of the origins of sentiments and
institutions, I-III, 1927: II 765f.]
perhaps most notably, according to an ever-increasing body of
archaeological evidence as well as the writings of such relative
Egyptian contemporaries as Manetho, Herodotus, and Ptolemy, this
primieval sex god was not the creation of some primitive Egyptian
superstition; Min was instead a mortal man and Egypt's first
Pharoah: King Menes, himself.
The Only Major* Egyptian Deity
who was an actual Mortal Man

3500 BCE
King Menes, (Meni
or Mene,
in Egyptian)
probably also known by the name Narmer as well as The
Scorpion King, was the first true Pharoah of Egypt and the
first to unite both Upper and Lower Egypt. More intriguing, he is said
to have been a descendent of the "Demigods
of Manes" (also known as the Shemsu Heru
or Shemsu Hor [Family or Followers of Horus]),
half-god, half-human hybrid immigrants to Egypt created from the union
of over-libidinous gods and the human females they attracted and
King Menes (The Scorpion King), was not himself native to Egypt, but
reportedly arrived in Egypt around 3500 B.C.E. from Sumer, bringing
with him the Sumerian writing language from which Egyptian hieroglyphic
writing appears to have been later derived (http://www.mazzaroth.com/ChapterFour/KingScorpion.htm):
agree that Menes must have entered Upper Egypt by the Red Sea, to the
east of Koptos (Coptos) and Abydos. At Koptos exists the oldest known
statues of a god in Egypt (three gigantic limestone figures of Min)...
Min would appear to be the deified Menes..." http://www.mazzaroth.com/ChapterFour/NarmersPaletteObverse.htm
(emphasis added)
Menes, Min:
First pharaoh of the united
kingdom according to Herodotus, identified as
is known of Menes and his descendants outside of their
divine ancestry and that they developed a complex social
system (in Egypt), patronized the arts and constructed temples and many
public buildings. The foundation of Memphis, the
world's first imperial city, is attributed to Menes." http://www.arab.net/egypt/history/et_earlydynasty.html
After their deaths, Imhotep,
builder of the first stepped pyramid and renowned healer, was elevated
to "demigod" status for thousands of years before ultimately being
deified. and Amenhotep,
another architect, was honorarily given "titular god" status over the
Theban Necropolis after his death. However, Menes (Min) was regarded as a
full deity in the Egyptian "A"-list pantheon from the earliest
predynastic times. He was, in fact, the first
Egyptian god.
to "Min" - Common Word Etymology
Menes in
Egyptian = "Mene" or "Meni"
Min in
Egyptian = "Menu or "Minu"
(Mene / Menu / Minu) Min

Scorpion King depicted
as ithyphallic
(ca 3250
ithyphallic ("with erect penis") interpretation of this inscription
made first by MMOR Research, LLC, and published herein on January 4,
2003. On that date we also first emailed Dr. Darnell, the discoverer of
the Scorpion Tableau, to ask his opinion of our discovery and
interpretation of same. We continue to await a reply.
King Depicted with Erect Penis
in Ancient Egyptian Inscription
between 1996-97 a key discovery was made on an escarpment 20 miles
northwest of Luxor: a rock inscription dating back to 3250 BCE. Here
the Scorpion Tableau (Gebel
Tjauty tableau) graphically displays the heroic figure of the
Scorpion King as deliberately ithyphallic (see graphic at right),
the same as the uniquely* ithyphallic Egyptian god Min.
posture of the figure and placement of arms are further reminiscent of
*Min is
the only Egyptian god depicted as inherently
ithyphallic. All other such representations of Egyptian deities either
report on a specific incident in which the erect phallus plays a role
(e.g., Osiris mating with Isis) or else represent other gods depicted
as Min or identifying with Min metaphorically via this key sexual
attribute (e.g., depictions of Amen as ithhyphallic).
The Ancient Greek Historian, Herodotus, Equates Menes with Min
this Min, who first became king, had made into dry land the
part which was dammed off, on the one hand, I say, he founded
in it that city which is now called Memphis..."
Histories II, Para 39,The Harvard Classics (emphasis added)
said also that the first man who became king of Egypt was Min;
and that in his time all Egypt except the district of Thebes was a
Histories II, Para. 3 The Harvard Classics (emphasis added)
Also at this last URL, reference is made of the goat god from which the
Greeks derived their own libidinous satyr god, "Pan." However to the
Egyptians, this goat god was known by another name: Mendes. Taking the
"d" away gives us "Menes". As stated earlier, "Pan" is derived directly
from the god Min. Thus, here again what appears yet another direct
connection between King Menes, Pan, and Min.
Venerates "Hephaistos" (God of the "Forge")
to Herodotus, after building the city of Memphis, "Min...established
in the city the temple of Hephaistos, a
great work and most worthy of mention."
Histories II, Para 39,The Harvard Classics (emphasis added)
being Greek, attributed Min's temple as being that of
"Hephaistos," the Greek equivalent of a much more ancient Egyptian god.
400 bce)
who was Hephaistos?
God of the Forge,
is the personification of subterranean and terrestrial fire, including human
lustiness. The instinctive, libidinous "fire down
below" is echoed by the Tarot attribution of the spermatazoic
letter Yod, which means "hand" but represents the 'point' of the
phallus, particularly the sperm which projects from it. It
represents the longing for soul completion, or union through the sexual
Zeus fathered Hephaistos or not, he rejected him forthwith. In one
version, Hera abandoned him also, hurling her lame son into the sea
from Olympian heights. This rejection and abandonment led him
to judge himself as "imperfect" and his compensation was to achieve
technological perfection through his work. Hephaistos was
born with a birth defect; he was lame and twisted, and only learned to
walk with great difficulty. His appearance disgusted Hera, and she
tried to hide him from the Immortals. He was raised by sea nymphs until
the age of nine, when he made his existence known to the Olympians."
- http://zero-point.tripod.com/pantheon/Hephaistos.html
Min/Menes have also thought himself considered an outcast and rejected
by society prior to his conquests and triumphs, or perhaps even
afterwards and in spite of them?
questions given Min's personal choice of a god to venerate. And perhaps
intriguing insights into the inner character of this ancient legendary
ruler and, in particular, his identity as one of the Rephaim progeny
and in full possession of the genetic superhuman sexual characteristic
of that legacy.
"The Divine Blacksmith"
Hephaistos (Greek) = Ptah (Egyptian)
In Sumerian/Semitic, Ptah means:
who fashioned things by carving and opening up"
stated above, Herodotus was Greek, and so used the Greek name for the
Egyptian God, Ptah, upon which Hephaistos was derived centuries later.
Memphis theology is based around Ptah (equivalent
to the Greek Hephaistos, the divine blacksmith)...who
himself becomes the primordial fire and gives it substance.
this is fairly common knowledge to mythology, what is not so commonly
known is that the Egyptian god Ptah was, himself, derived upon an even
earlier personage from yet another foreign land:
the earliest gods did come from the biblical lands of Shem is
additionally borne out by the puzzling fact that the names of these
olden gods were of 'Semitic' (Akkadian) derivation. Thus
Ptah, which had no meaning in Egyptian, meant 'he who fashioned things
by carving and opening up' in the Semitic tongues."
Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men (http://echoes.devin.com/watchers/sons-of-god.html)
(emphasis added)
not coincidentally, the very forging and manufacturing skills for which
Ptah and Hephaistos were known mirror almost exactly the trade skills
reported to have been taught to humans by Azazel.
as Ptah --"God of the Forge"
to Menes' temple to Ptah, no previous reference to Ptah exists. Thus it
is probable that Ptah was created by Menes, himself. If true, then the
concept of Ptah must have derived from Menes' own Sumerian origins. If
indeed Menes were descended from the "Watchers," it would stand to
reason that he would attempt to preserve their veneration in his newly
established empire. And in venerating Ptah, the "Divine Blacksmith," we
again cannot help but find direct parallel with one of the particular
Chief Captains of the "Watchers," Azazel.
It was
Azazel who, in addition to sexually "corrupting" females, also taught
humankind metallurgy, the same characteristics possessed by Ptah, the
"Divine Blacksmith":
Azazel taught men to make swords, knives, shields,
breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors and the workmanship
of bracelets and ornaments..."
- Book of Enoch 8:1
Menes Honored Ptah as His Own
The Original "Divine Blacksmith": Azazel
If -- as
the evidence illustrates -- Ptah was not previously known as a god in
Egypt, if Menes therefore brought the worship of the god "Ptah" with
him from his country of origin, if Menes was indeed a descendent of the
"Watchers" and therefore either related to or directly descended from
Azazel, the oft-described original blacksmith who "taught men to make
swords, knives"... etc., then it would make perfect sense for
Menes to venerate his own illustrious ancestor who "taught
women how to enjoy sexual pleasure" and who was also the
first and only true "Divine Blacksmith" to teach metallurgy and
metalwork to Mankind: Azazel.
Egyptian "Opening of the Mouth" Ritual of "Watcher"
"Ptah" means "he who fashioned (created)
by... opening up"
in the Akkadian (Upper Sumerian) language finds intriguing correlation
with the still largely unknown significance associated with Ptah's
direct involvement in the Egyptian "Opening of the Mouth" ritual
performed after death. During this key ritual, it is Ptah (together
with Thoth) who "opens" the mouth of the deceased so as to reintroduce
the soul (ka) and re-animate the body/statue/temple thereby, thus
"fashioning" the eternal reunification of "body" and "soul."
provides yet another intriguing correlation between "Ptah" (whose name
has no meaning in Egyptian) and this god's name's distinctively
Mesopotamian linguistic link with Upper Sumer.
Deified for His "Eternally Firm" Sexual Capacity
given the preponderance of evidence (of which only the scarcest
highlights are provided herein), it would appear quite likely that
Menes and others of the Rephaim lineage arrived in Egypt from the
Mesopotamian area (Sumer), that he/they succeeded in conquering and
uniting both Upper and Lower Egypt, that he/they then established the
first Empire on this planet, that Menes built the great city of Memphis
and built therein a temple in veneration of his own ancestor, the
"Fallen Angel" Azazel under the Akkadian name of Ptah, and that at some
point either prior to or subsequent of his death, Menes was
in fact deified, becoming the "eternally firm" "Bestower of Male Sexual
Prowess", the Sex God Min.
all else accomplished by Menes, he was eternally identified as the
preeminent god of male sexual virility, the "Bestower of Male Sexual
Prowess" . It would appear something about him so identified him and
his "divine ancestry" with "male sexual prowess" that --
notwithstanding his many magnificent accomplishments and
characteristics -- it was his "eternally firm" sexuality that most made
him a God to his people.
As a
sex god, Min's sexual influence was so widespread that almost all later
fertility gods throughout Europe and Asia-Minor are based on Him. These
include, Bacchus, Pan, Dionysius,
Cupid, and Priapus.
Unfortunately, all these later sex gods are more largely depicted as
wine-swilling gluttons than truly sexual beings. Min stands
alone as the most primally and blatantly sexual of all the ancient
pagan gods of male fertility, yet ironically also the
only example of a sexual deity based wholly upon the "superhuman"
sexual characteristics of an actual mortal being, a man who
apparently was only one of a "divine" race as equally sexually
Menes (Min/Amsu) a descendant of the "Watchers"... One of the Rephaim?
there is yet no definitive proof one way or the other -- and probably
never will be given the almost-prehistoric time periods involved -- the
historical and related circumstancial evidence linking the two is
remarkable and worthy of studied consideration. Given the dearth of
archaeological evidence that far back in history and the sparcity of
records still surviving from such ancient times, it is doubtful that
historians will ever be able to determine anything truly conclusive.
Nevertheless the parallels and evidences discovered are striking.
despite the lack of specific archaeological evidence, there does exist
ancient Egyptian texts which do specifically name Min as one of the
"Watchers." In the "Hymn to Amen-Ra," the god Amen is praised for each
of his "divine" attributes as each of the many gods he had by that time
(XX-XXI Dynasty) come to represent, including the predynastic sexual
god "Min/Amsu." However, only as "Amsu/Min" is Amen described as
art the untiring watcher, o Amsu-Amen..."
(Amsu = Min)
"Hymn to
Amen-Ra" (ca XX-XXI Dynasty) (http://www.touregypt.net/amenprst.htm)
(emphasis added)
both King Menes and the Rephaim were considered "demigods" (half human,
half god), descended from the Gods, themselves. And as seen above, both
originated in the Fertile Crescent area of Sumer ("Land of the
Watchers"). Both were regarded as sexual "supermen" (the Rephaim, for
their inherently sexual natures as"supermen" in their roles as rp'um,
or Dispensers of fertility and seducers and
"corruptors" of Human females; Menes, by his deification as the
preeminent male sexual deity, "Min," the "Eternal Firm One" and
"Bestower of Male Sexual Prowess"). All of these parallels bespeak a
race possessing a unique "super"-human sexual capacity of an
"eternal"-ly "firm" nature that while revered and venerated by the
lusty Egyptians, Sumerians, and Babylonians (to name only a few), was
condemned by the Hebrews as resulting in the sensual "corruption" of
their females.
Thus, if
Menes were a "demigod" with the "superhuman" sexual capacity attributed
to his deified form as Min, then so also must "his descendants", also
considered "demigods," likewise have possessed this same defining male
sexual capacity. Thus it was not a learned skill, but instead a genetic
trait passed on to "his descendants" from ancient times down to today,
Tribe of Benjamin of Rephaim Descent?
Twelve Tribes of Israel of the Bible refer to the progeny of the twelve
sons of Jacob, later named Israel (He who strives [wrestles[ with God)
by an angel with whom Jacob physically confronted during a pre-dawn
encounter. Jacob considered the angel to be God, Himself, and hence the
misunderstanding apparent in the name "Israel." Strangely, no
explanation is given in the Bible as to why Jacob was "wrestling" with
the angel. However, we shall broach this a bit later on.
Rachel, one of Jacob's wives, were born two of these twelve sons.
Namely, Joseph (of the "Coat of Many Colors" fame) and the youngest son
of them all, Benjamin. Key to
the question of who the remaining Rephaim progeny were in Canaan
following the attempted genocide centuries earlier, is the intriguing
etymology of the name "Benjamin."
As seen
above... "Bene ha-Elohim" literally means "Sons of
the Elohim (God/Gods)" in the ancient Hebrew language.
where the name "Benjamin" is concerned, there is a continuing dispute
regarding the meaning of this ancient name. Currently "Benjamin" is
translated as meaning either "'son of the south' or 'son of the right hand'".
Not exactly synonymous translations, are they? The confusion as to the
correct meaning becomes obvious, however, if we examine this word in
the context of its language of origin: Aramaic. And in Aramaic,
Benjamin becomes "BENYAMN" or "BENYAMIN".
currently translated by Biblical scholars, BENYAMIN is divided up into
the following two words: "BEN" ("Son" [of]) + "YAMN" or "YAMIN"
("South" or "Right Hand"), thus rendering either:
(Son [of]) -YAMIN ("South" or "Right Hand"):
"Son of the South" or "Son of the Right Hand"
self-evident problem with either translation is the fact that the word
"YAMN" exists in neither Hebrew or Aramaic. Thus, its translation has
forever been in doubt and continues to be alternately translated as
either "South" or "right hand." Hence, the continuing controversy re:
which is correct.
the mistake lies in assuming "YAMN" was intended as only a single word.
of attempting a translation of "YAMN" (yamin) as one word, what if we
split the word in two, rendering it: "YA MN" or... "YA MIN"? In Hebrew
"YA" (also rendered "HA") means "the". Thus, "BEN-YA-MN" (Ben-ya-min)
(Son [of]) - YA (the) - MN
or MIN
(Min) = "Son of the* 'Min'"
(Son of Min)
Whereas in English the article "the" would seem to indicate that the
noun thereafter is plural, no such assumption can be made of Aramaic.
The word "the" only gives emphasis to the importance of the noun that
follows. Thus, a more English-accurate rendition of this phrase is:
"Son of Min".
Benjamin as a "Son of (the) Min"
already explained, "Min" (also spelled "Mn"
and "Mnu" in Egyptian) was the predynastic, eternally ithyphallic
Egyptian God of "male sexual prowess," known during his lifetime as
King Menes. Thus, as Menes had lived and died thousands of years
earlier, Min was already an ancient Egyptian deity long before Jacob
(Israel) was born. Thus it was, according to all we have theorized,
also the name by which one particular Watcher descendant, Menes as
"Min", was identified in Egypt.
If this
translation is indeed the correct one, the implications are quite
was during Benjamin's lifetime that the Israelites traveled en
masse to Egypt and there began (according to the
Old Testament) a 400-year stay. Benjamin spent the rest of
his life in Egypt, during which time the Israelites became
quite attached to and assimilated into the Egyptian culture and
religious way of life, including a full understanding and even
venerance for the Egyptian deities, of whom "Min" was one of the
greatest. Thus, identifying Rachel's second son with this primeval Sex
God and the "Demigods of Manes" or "Shemsu Hor"
(sons or followers of Horus), from whom Menes descended, could not but
have had a very positive influence on Benjamin's acceptance by the
Egyptians as having descended from this same bloodline. Of course as Jacob
was most certainly not Menes and therefore not "Min", who lived and
died literally thousands of years earlier, why would Jacob name his son
"Son of the Min"?
intriguing possibility hinted at in Genesis is that perhaps Benjamin
was not Jacob's son at all, but perhaps of direct Rephaim
paternity and was so named not by Jacob... but by his real father. Read
more HERE.
It is
also important to note that following the reported Exodus back to
Canaan, it was specifically the males of the Tribe of Benjamin who were
most vilified for their highly decadent sexual natures and ultimately
fell victims to yet another sexually motivated genocide that reportedly
destroyed the entire Tribe save for only 600 men who succeeded in
escaping the slaughter (Judges 19-24).
Names His Own Son "Rapha"
While up
to this point all previous evidence has not necessarily provided the
euphemistic "smoking gun" of a possible connection between Benjamin and
the "Watchers," there is one final piece of historical fact that would
seem to provide as close a "smoking gun" as might be possible.
Benjamin chose to name his fifth son by the very root word from which
the term "Rephaim" derives: "RAPHA." (1 Chronicles 8:2), which is one
of the singular forms of the plural "Rephaim", thus literally meaning
"one of the Rephaim."
explained in the authoritative Strong's Concordance of the
Bible, the Hebrew word RAPHA
Ref. # 7497) is not a proper name at all, but instead is
the term by which the sexually "invigorating" progeny
(descendants) of the "Watchers" were identified.
Prior to
this, never before in the Old Testament (or Torah) was this word ever
used as a proper name. And only once thereafter is "RAPHA" (1
Chronicles 8:37) used again as a proper name, and again it is to name
yet another descendant of Benjamin, this time to identify the second
son of Moza (one of Benjamin's great-great-great...-grandsons). This
same son of Moza is also listed by the name: "REPHAIAH" (1 Chronicles
9:43), another singular form of the plural "Rephaim" and even more
linguistically links this name with "REPHAIM".
this name is never again used. The genetic link with the "Watchers"
thus validated, the paternal connection historically made, there was
apparently no further need to continue applying this strictly "Rephaim"
term as a proper name.
Prolific Historical Figures
Many of
the notable later historical figures in Hebrew history were of the
Tribe of Benjamin, including Israel's first king, Saul,
and even the more noted "King of the Jews", Jesus,
(through his mother's lineage). Mary Magdalene,
likewise falsely vilified in the Sixth Century by the Catholic faith as
a "fallen woman", also appears to have been of the Tribe of Benjamin.
So also the Apostle Paul, most responsible for the
establishment of the Christian Church, proudly declared himself of the
Tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1).
"Galileans... were Benjamites"
In fact,
there is strong evidence that most if not all of Jesus'
disciples were of the Tribe of Benjamin. This is due to the
fact that the province known as "Galilee" belonged to the
Tribe of Benjamin. Thus to be a "Galilean" was to
be a Benjamite.
is known, by most Bible students, that the Galileans of
Christ's time, on earth, were Benjaminites."
His Ascension into heaven the angels called His disciples, "Ye
men of Galilee..." At Pentecost, all of the disciples who
spoke in tongues were identified as Galileans and
as Jesus' witnesses. Yes, the witnessing did begin in Jerusalem, but
the witnesses were identified as Galileans."
the cities of Nazareth (town most identified with
Jesus), Capernaum (where Jesus first announced his
Messianic mission), Cana (where Jesus turned water
into wine... possibly at his own wedding), and Magdala
(town most identified with Mary Magdalene) are all in Galilee and at
that time populated predominantly by Benjamites. And of course there is
the Sea of Galilee where so many other great
miracles occurred.
As it is
well known, it was in Galilee that Jesus ostentatiously spent most of
his ministry, being also identified often in scripture as "Jesus
of Galilee."
It is
further interesting to note that the very city of Jerusalem was
originally a Benjamite city, given to the Tribe of Benjamin for their
inheritance. It wasn't until the advent of King David that Jerusalem
was claimed by him as his royal city and henceforth became a property
of his own Tribe of Judah.
particular import, Moses himself pronounced regarding the Tribe of
Benjamin thusly:
of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in
safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long,
and he shall dwell between his shoulders."
And who
might this "beloved of the Lord" be? It could not have been Jesus,
specifically, for he was most certainly not "covered"
nor "dwell(ed) in safety by" Benjamin "all
the day long" (obviously a metaphoric reference to some
considerable passage of time). While
there is much stronger evidence available regarding who also the Tribe
of Benjamin is and who exactly the "beloved of the Lord" refers to, the
brief explanation given here suffices for now.
key clues can be found here and here.
what of today?
As seen
above and as recorded by the ancient Egyptians, the Watchers did indeed
arrive in Egypt from Sumer ("Land of the Watchers"). And as also shown,
these "Watchers" (or rather their descendants, the Rephaim) were not at
all the demonic, blood-thirsty "giants" claimed by the Hebrews.
Instead, it was thanks to the Watchers' descendants that Egypt rose to
become Earth's first known Empire, one that lasted 3,000 years - longer
than any other known civilization on this planet.
question now becomes, where are the "Watchers'" (the Rephaim), today?
evidence seems to point to the simplest and most rational explanation:
they have assimilated into all races over the millennia. This becomes
evident even from Egyptian dynastic times. While Menes (Min) and his
immediate progenitors, the "Demigods of Manes" were undoubtably quite
pure-blood "Rephaim," yet there exists no significant accounts of a
tradition of such sexually superior males in ancient Egypt continuing
much beyond Menes' life. This could be due to one of two factors:
societal rejection and ultimate persecution of Rephaim males by
"normal" males within the same society resulting in their expulsion
and/or extermination, or genetic dissipation of this trait through
successive generations of intermarrying and breeding with Egyptian
women. Or perhaps a combination of both.
of the effect or extent of any possible societal rejection and
persecution, as the Rephaim males married and had children by first
Hebrew, then Sumerian, then Egyptian women during the first few hundred
years of their "arrival," their genetic influences on each successive
generation would have undoubtably waned until their descendants'
genetic capacity for multiorgasmic sex would have quickly begun to skip
whole generations, becoming an ever-increasingly recessive genetic
there is also tantalizing evidence that there might have been at least
one isolated Rephaim tribe who succeeded in surviving fairly well
intact far into the Middle Ages.
Transylvania and Gothic
With the
same fervor by which the Egyptians adored sensuality, the ancient Hebrews
abhorred same. Hence the Rephaim's forced migration into Egypt (Menes
and his "Rephaim" family, called "Shemsu Hor" by the Egyptians) and
Babylon, following the ancient slaughter and expulsion of
the Rephaim from the Palestine/Israel area. Thereafter, as the Greeks
and then the Romans conquered and supplanted the ancient religions and
cultures of the Mediterranean and Mideastern societies with their own,
the Rephaim were forced to seek new homes elsewhere. Evidently, either
before or after the appearance of the "Watchers" in Egypt, at least one
tribe of the Rephaim chose as home the Eastern European area of the
Carpathian mountains known as Transylvania. Here, this Rephaimic tribe
flourished discreetly for centuries, if not millennia. Chiefest of
those belonging to this Rephaim tribe may have been those of the royal Racoczi
family line, into which line was born the mysterious Cmte. (Count) Saint
Germain (coincidentally reputed to be both of great age
[several hundred years] and a vampire, though considered by women --
including the infamous Mdme. de Pompadour -- as a superior lover to
other men, much to the displeasure and envy of another contemporary,
the Master Skirtchaser archetype himself, Giovanni Casanova).
despite establishing themselves well in Transylvania and its environs,
with the rise of Christianity a very similar anti-sexual attitude again
arose forbodingly reminiscent of the ancient Hebrews. However, unlike
the relatively limited sphere of influence of ancient Judaism,
Christianity's influence and negative attitudes toward sensuality soon
permeated all of the Western World, including Eastern Europe. Here, as
in Palestine anciently, these early
Eastern European Christians soon adopted this same belief system and
increasingly began to take an equally dim view of the sensual
"corruption" of their females, as well. And as had been done in
Palestine five thousand years earlier, the Rephaim in Romania and
surrounding districts were again regarded as a supernatural threat...
though this time not from any source remotely resembling the divine.
The Slavic Vampire: the Only Actual Vampire Archetype
the claims from most "vampirologists" and other vampire "experts" that
vampiric beings existed in the folklore of almost all cultures,
worldwide, the fact is that the "vampire" did not exist
outside the Slavic countries:

writers, and others, established the notion that 'every culture has a
form of vampire belief', that 'vampires' were a universal,
even archetypal human superstition, and that they were found world- and
history-wide, buried in every body of myth, hidden in every holy book,
lurking behind every fairy-tale.
of course, they were quite wrong!!! The folklorists managed
this feat by taking each separate element of the vampire metaphor and
using it to qualify as a 'type of vampire' absolutely anything
whatsoever that fitted even one aspect of the definition. Was
it a supernatural being that drank blood? Then it's a 'type of
vampire'! Was it something that came back from the grave? Then it's a
'type of vampire'! Was it an entity or revenant that was 'hungry' or
that pestered the living for sex? Then it's a 'type of vampire'! Never
mind that the individual cultures concerned had complex histories and
belief systems to which these 'types of vampire' really belonged. They
all got lumped together, and suddenly the word 'vampire' included at
least half of the myths, legends, and folklore ever known on the
planet. Child-killing demons, blood-drinking gods, hungry ancestor
spirits, cannibalistic demons, fierce animal ghosts, night-hag
entities, incubi/succubi, the restless dead, plague demons...these and
many other very culture-specific beliefs, all with their own context
and history, suddenly became part of the definition of
'vampire'." - http://www.sanguinarius.org/articles/vampdef.shtml
(emphasis added)
The Slavic Vampire of History did not Drink Blood
the countless novels, movies, and fictional accounts to the contrary,
yet the actual Slavic Vampire of Romania's Transylvania was not a blood
""There are no bloodsuckers in Romanian tradition. To drink blood is forbidden."
- Romanian Professor, Dr. Sabina Ispas
(excerpted from "Could We Reshape the Image of Evil in the Post-industrial Society?", 2000 World Dracula Congress)
weird thing is, in actual panics, where people thought the 'vampire'
was right there and active, there are almost no stories about
blooddrinking. 'Vampires' were the hungry
- http://www.sanguinarius.org/articles/vampdef.shtml
(emphasis added)
Well, if
the actual vampire was not "hungry" for blood, then... for what?
The Historic "Dark
Gift" of Unlimited Orgasmic Capacity in the Male:
The Genetic Legacy of the "Fallen Angels"
and their progeny, the Slavic "Vampire"

© Copyright 1994 Warner Bro.s
following the First Millenium C.E. (A.D.), the mortal descendents of
the Fallen Angels (the Rephaim) found their sexual gifts again the
source of rising persecution reminiscent of the persecutions suffered
by their "Watcher" ancestors, anciently. This time however, they found
themselves regarded as supernatural not as "angels" or "demons," but
instead -- as Vampires:
the puritanical words of the Book of Enoch these corrupted
souls (the
progeny of the "Fallen Angels") are also destined
to become the damned, who will 'take no food, [but nevertheless hunger]
and thirst'... in East European folklore, as well
as in popular romance, there are likewise supernatural denizens that
drink blood yet can 'take no food, [but can nevertheless hunger] and
thirst', and these are, of course, nosferatu - vampires."
writers, for instance, became transfixed by the stories of the Sons
of God coming unto the Daughters of Men, and began to feature
these devilish characters in their poetic works. A little later,
Victorian painters started portraying this same subject matter on
canvas. One might even be tempted to suggest that the Book of Enoch was
a major inspiration behind the darker excesses of the so-called Gothic
revival, which culminated in such literary works as Bram
Stoker's Dracula, in which the eponymously named character is
himself a fallen angel."
excerpted from "From the Ashes
of Angels", Collins, p. 21, 1996 (emphasis added)
again... yet another reference to the "Fallen Angels," who were
most identified historically in the Book of Enoch for their supposed
"addiction to lust." So, what has this to do with ... vampires?
The Historic Slavic Vampire (Nosferatu),
as per the actual accounts:
- Old Slavonic word "nosufur-atu"
or "nesuferit",
both from the Greek: "nosophoros" ("plague carrier")
Copyright 1994 Warner Bro.s
the Slavic vampire was known by a variety of names, including upir'
and vampir, the name that perhaps most immediately
reveals its other-than-blood-drinking uniqueness is the name by which
this male creature was known in the environs of the Carpathian
mountains of Romania's Transylvania. Namely, "Nosferatu":
"The most
common view on the Nosferatu was its destructive nature and libido,
which can drive it to meticulously destroy entire populations, while
still engaging in wild orgies and passionate sex with the
living... The Nosferatu's name is roughly translated to mean
"plague bearer," and was said to spread tuberculosis..."
- http://www.chaotic-gods.com/species/nosferatu.php
Yet, what has tuberculosis to do with vampires? Well, when
closely examined... not much, in fact. That is, except for
the symptoms.
The original
legends, as told by the actual inhabitants of the Carpathian mountains,
describe not a blood-sucker, but instead a highly libidinous being
whose "insatiable", "prodigious sexual
appetites" resulted in "sexual orgies" causing his lovers to
"weaken and become ill with
exhaustion", further becoming "exhausted and
emaciated" as such non-stop multiorgasmic encounters
continued, symptoms very similar to the dread disease "Consumption"
(Tuberculosis), from whence the name, Nosferatu
("plague carrier") originates.
the "Gothic," 19th-Century, pulp-fiction tales of the impotent, asexual
vampire, the true Nosferati
(plural) of Eastern Europe had very little in common with these
sexless, Victorian-Age, blood-drinking, fang-wielding, daylight and
crucifix-fearing creatures.
The Slavic Vampire: a Sexually "Insatiable" Race
the Slavic vampire was described in the original legends as "hungry"
not for blood... but very clearly, for sex. And lots of it:
vampire of folklore is a sexual creature, and his sexuality is obsessive–
indeed, in Yugoslavia, when he is not sucking blood, he is
apt to wear out his widow with his intentions, so that she
too pines away, much like his other victims."
-- Vampires,
Burial and Death: Folklore and Reality; P. Barber, 1988; p. 9
- http://www.angelfire.com/tn/vampires/essay.html
(emphasis added)
believed some vampires (the Nosferati) had
an insatiable sexual appetite and would return from
the grave to have sexual relations with their widow or a young woman of
their choosing."
-- The
Vampire Book, J. Gordon Melton, 1999; p. 616
- http://www.netjava.com/~f14lover/info.html
folklore of Russia also described the vampire as a sexual
being. Among the ways in which it made itself known was to
appear in a village as a handsome young man.
Circulating among the young people in the evening, the vampire lured unsuspecting
women to their doom."
-- ibid.;
p. 617(emphasis added)
thought of the vampire as a sexual entity. The male vampire
was believed to have such an intense sexual drive that his sexual need
alone was sufficent to bring him back from the grave. His
first act usually was to return to his widow, whom he engaged in sexual
intercourse. Nightly visits could ensue over a period of time, with
the wife becoming exhausted and emaciated."
-- ibid.;
pp. 616-617(emphasis added)
"Male vampires
were known to have a strong sexual appetite and
returned from the dead to have sexual relations with a wife,
girlfriend, or other women. Female vampires were thought to be able to
return from the dead and assume a normal life, even to the point of
marrying -- though her husband would become exhausted from
satisfying her sexual demands."
-- ibid.;
p. 313 (emphasis added)
"The sexual nature of the act is plainly indicated in the following
examples. Heinrich von
Wlislocki*, in his researches into
Roumanian superstitions tells us: ...With young people it (The Nosferat)
indulges in sexual orgies until they get ill and die of exhaustion.
It often happens that women are impregnated by this creature and bear
- On the
Nightmare, E. Jones, pp.
117-118 (emphasis added)
* a noted Austrian Gypsologist
(Gypsy word for Vampire)
also return to satisfy their prodigious sexual appetites...
They are so insatiable that
their human partners are likely to weaken and become ill with
- The
Complete Vampire Companion (R Guiley, pp. 9-10) (emphasis added)
viewed in light of the unlimited, natural multiorgasmic capacity
documented in the Rutgers University study showcased
at this site and apparently possessed by the "Rephaim," the reports of
a Slavic vampire's lovers/"victims" "becoming exhausted and
emaciated" and thus "likely to weaken and become
ill with ("sexual") exhaustion" finally
make sense, taking on an entirely new and highly erotic significance:
this was not the disease "Consumption" (Tuberculosis) at all. As the
"vampiric" activities were reported to be sexual in nature, what could
cause such exhaustion and emaciation in female "victims"?
can be but one logical conclusion: continuous multiorgasmic sex over a
period of days.
also cannot but call into question whether the "victims" were, in fact,
victims. Given that they were made "exhausted and emaciated" through
such presumably non-stop sexual congress, it cannot but be suggested
that to arrive at such a state, they themselves were most likely quite
active and willing participants in the multiorgasmic sexual activity.
And if so, might this, rather than fictional neckbites, etc., be the
reason behind the reported devotion of such female "familiars" to their
"Vampire" Masters?
perhaps, this same intense female devotion the same as reportedly
experienced anciently by Human females to their "fallen angel"
husbands? And might this devotion have had as part of its motivation
the sexual awakening and deeper emotional bonding made possible through
mutual multiorgasmic communion with such sexually (and therefore, emotionally)
equal males?
In fact,
these "vampiric" couplings do describe an ancient Rephaim
sexual rite of communion (from which was derived the Sumerian
multiorgasmic "Hieros Gamos"
[Sacred Marriage] rite) in which its participants enjoyed literally
days of continual lovemaking, the participants experiencing
the euphoria of non-stop orgasms
together day after day, night after night. And
during such multiorgasmic euphoria, like a drug the natural "high"
experienced builds to such emotional and sexual intensity and
fulfillment that none desires to "take food", preferring instead to
continue on sexually, higher and higher together, sexually and
emotionally. Hence, the true source of the symptoms of exhaustion and
emaciation so often described.
Despite the inaccuracy of the term Nosferatu in
describing the Rephaim during this time period, it
would have seemed quite appropriate to the local populaces observing
women taken by a Nosferatu: the emaciated body, the
listless endorphin-saturated eyes, all evidences not of "consumption"
but of days of multiorgasmic euphoria.
Vilification, Persecution and Eradication... yet again
Catholicism's and Orthodox Christianity's views of carnality as evil,
it was not long before such sensual expression was condemned and
labeled satanic. In particular, the Rephaim were vilified as vampires
and hunted down as such. And women were fed horrific stories of fanged
blood-drinking creatures who walk the night in search of female
"victims." This quickly degenerated into the fodder for pulp fiction of
the Age culminating in Bram Stoker's "Dracula", thus solidifying
forever the image and legendary characteristics of the "gothic vampire."
intriguing treatise on the nosferatu, in
particular, is found at an interesting website that provides poignant,
though not wholly intentional, insight into the sexual mores challenged
by the actual sexually "insatiable" Rephaimite male, as vilified as the
Forbidden: Past and Recent Vampires as
Symbols of Changing Sexual Mores
by Michelle Engel
then, with Stoker’s Count Dracula, the vampire
embodies untempered lust. His appetite has made him a
monster, cursed to live outside of society, beyond the will of God...
The Count charms beautiful young women from their beds to receive his
kiss, seducing them into a state of wanton submission.
He is the ruling alpha male, powerful, aggressive, and dominant. It is
his desire that matters, not that of his devotees. This point of view
reflects the sexual politics of its era. Women are passive receivers of
sex, never equal partners or initiators. And while they may partake of
some degree of pleasure, there is always some pain and suffering
involved, at least in the beginning.
the idea that one night with
the hungry vampire can vanquish a young woman’s spiritual
virtue reflects the Christian ideology that virgin females
are purer and more sacred than their sexually active counterparts for
their likeness with the Virgin Mother of Jesus. In addition, the
tale of the Old World vampire serves as a warning for adolescent girls.
Forsake...the handsome
stranger and love a boy whose family your family knows for
the wanderer in fine clothes with an exotic accent will take advantage
of you.
the masculine point of view, this same idea signals a pervasive fear
that you, too, could lose your woman to the
powerful enchantments of another man evil enough to ignore your claim
to her... Another implication here is the fear that a man who
cannot fully arouse and pleasure his wife will lose her to one who can...
this again through the spectrum of sexual mores, the Nosferatu is a man
who has lost his intellect, self-control, and humanity to his lust.
Everything he does from his first to his last waking hour of every
evening relates to satisfying his need for pleasure. He is unable to
focus on anything else because to him, there is nothing else. And once
again, responsibility to protect his intended
“victim” falls upon another man. Be wary,
gentlemen, of other men who might seek to ravage your woman, this story
seems to say. And to the women, the message is much the same
as in Dracula, only perhaps more fervent. Some men are sex monsters
waiting to devour you. Be careful who you trust. Again, there is the
paradigm of pleasure and guilt. There seems to be no third option of a
female who seeks out the vampire’s bite for the female is
always the passive victim."
- excerpted from: http://www.vampclub.com/sexual.htm
(Parts 1-2) (emphasis added)
While surely unintended, yet the views expressed above regarding the
perceived motives of the Nosferatu, as well as
those of both their female "victims" and their self-appointed male
"saviors," parallel remarkably with the truths regarding vampires as
presented and discussed herein and, earlier, exactly the attitudes
reflected by men during the time of the "Fallen Angels." The nosferati
would indeed have been thought predatory sex addicts by the
mono-orgasmic male "saviors"-of-feminine-virtue, while all
"God-fearing" females would have been seen as defenseless potential
victims in need of constant and vigilant sexual protection therefrom.
Yet, as suggested by the article's refreshingly observant female
author, this view is entirely sexist in that it presupposes that the
female could not possibly find herself attracted to -- much less
benefited by -- such males equally possessing unlimited sexual capacity.
The "Malleus Maleficarum"
content with the near-genocidal slaughter of the Rephaim who had all been vilified and largely slaughtered during this more
contemporary period as "vampires" rather than "fallen angels,"
the ecclesiastical powers-that-be turned their murderous
attentions upon the remaining segment of the population whose sexual
capacities were equally as great as were those of the "vampires":
namely, almost the entire Human female gender. Of course, rather than
vilifiying them as
"vampires,"their task was made far easier thanks to the Old
Testament mandate: "Thou shalt
not suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22:18).
if it were possible to vilify females also by linking their truly
multiorgasmic capacity with witchcraft, as they had already
accomplished so successfully in vilifying the Rephaim's
unique multiorgasmic capacity with "vampirism" and that of their
ancient forefathers with being "fallen angels," then the step to the
additional slaughter of all such females would simply be the next
logical step and in full obedience to the Old Testament edict.
Thus, "God's" work brought to its full fruition in the "Final
Solution"-esque eradication of all multiorgasmics from this planet.
1487 CE, two Dominican monks, who had previously been fully endowed by
Pope Innocent VIII in 1484 with
unlimited prosecutory powers against "witches," Heinrich Kramer and
James Sprenger, penned the truly despicable and virulently
misogynist Malleus
(the "Witches' Hammer"). Doing to females what Goebbels' own
propaganda had done to the Jews of the Holocaust, the Malleus Maleficarum was
used as the handbook by all
Church-sponsored and privately operating inqisitors and magistrates
throughout Europe for centuries thereafter in the wholesale slaughter
of women across the continent. While it has been
amply stated following these horrific centuries of slaughter that women
were targeted primarily for having been midwives, free-thinking women,
healers, or otherwise generally undermining male authority, yet despite
statements like these found in such commentaries as well as the
pop-culture explanations of such movies as "The Da Vinci Code," the
"Malleus" defines quite minutely what is and is not witchcraft and the
reason for which women were specifically targeted for imprisonment,
torture, and slaughter as witches:
conclude: All
witchcraft comes from carnal lust,
which is in women insatiable."
- Malleus
Maleficarum, Question VI; 1487 CE
there it was, the same equivalent term of "insatiable" "carnal lust"
repackaged and vilified once again as a capital crime. Only now, this
term was made inextricably linked with and, in fact, the single
defining characteristic of "witchcraft."
the word "orgasm" was not even coined until the beginning of the 20th
Century, the meaning of "insatiable"
"carnal lust" would have been crystal clear
to anyone of that time period and not at all meant to be metaphoric or
only obliquely euphemistic. "Insatiable" "carnal lust" speaks
solely and directly to a female's natural multiorgasmic capacity. And
as witchcraft
was singularly defined by the Malleus as proceeding solely from a
female's natural
absence of a Male Refractory Period following a single orgasm, then it
was this same natural "insatiable" "carnal lust" that condemned her to
death as a witch.
previously seen throughout history, this same capacity was identical
to the "fallen angels'" "addict(ion)
to lust" and the later "vampires'" "insatiable sexual
appetite" for
which multiorgasmic capacity those groups of males were
likewise hunted down and
slaughtered. Of course, as women could not be vilified as
angels" nor as "vampires" (their male multiorgasmic equivalents), yet
the Old Testament verse of Exodus 22:18 that witches should not be
permitted to live provided the Roman Catholic Church with the perfect
means by which to label, vilify, and likewise slaughter women.
And so, having already destroyed by genocide almost the
population of the Rephaim
then living, the Catholic Church inevitably turned the crosshairs of
its anti-multiorgasmic murder machine onto the only remaining, yet also
the largest multiorgasmic segment of the Human population:
As early
as 1404, well before the mass murder of women reached its zenith, the
Papal fathers had already burned at least 30,000 women. So many women
were murdered that it could be said that the Church was attempting no
less than a wholesale genocide of women--"sexocide" as Lederer (1973)
put it.
all the women in a given area were rounded up by the Catholic
authorities. Those who were exceedingly attractive were then hideously
sexually tortured and then slaughtered by burning, boiling in oil,
crushing, and via whatever device the religious authorities felt
appropriate or which suited their sick minds. In Germany huge ovens
were constructed for the purposes of mass female murder."
(Achterberg, 1991; Lederer 1968).
And so it was also with the wives and families of the "Fallen Angels"
thousands of years earlier, and for the same reason: "insatiable"
"carnal lust." This same charge of sexual insatiability and thus
being "addicted to (lust)" was identical to that also apparently
possessed by the Eastern European vampire. In fact, the very word
"upir" (from which the word "vampyr" is derived) as been translated
frequently as meaning "witch." Thus it would seem that, given the
mindset of that time and place, the term "vampire" itself proceeds
directly from the "witch"-like characteristic of "insatiable" "carnal
lust" by which women and they were most notably identified.
throughout history we see that, in the minds of the majority of
sexually "normal" men, far better that anyone possessing such sexual
insatiability be slaughtered than to cause "normal" men to acknowledge
themselves as less sexually capable and run the risk of being
considered less sexually desirable by their would-be
damsels-in-distress. And so rather than permit such, the "Fallen
Angels" and the nosferati all found themselves
forever vilified as sexual aggressors and predators, as would-be
rapists. Females, on the other hand, at least were given a choice. They
could either be equally vilified and condemned for admitting and
enjoying their insatiable sexual capacities, or else they could repent
of their "witchcraft" and submit instead to being "virtuous" females
outwardly content and satisfied with the "one-orgasm-fits-all"
lovemaking of their "normal" mono-orgasmic male lovers.
And so
we have come full circle from the vilfications and resulting slaughter
of the "Fallen Angels" and their families and the subsequent blame
placed on all such for the sensual "corruption" of females resulting in
the destruction of all Mankind via the Great Deluge, to the
vilifications and slaughters of both "vampires" and "witches" in far
more recent history for also being sexually "insatiable." And thus we
find also revealed the principal cause throughout recorded history for
all these vilifications and persecutions upon sensually "insatiable"
females and their Rephaimite male sexual equals: mono-orgasmic
male ego and insecurity.
of Evidence
webpage has provided only a brief synopsis of a few highlights from the
volume of accumulated evidence compiled thus far on this subject. Soon
an entire website shall be made available providing a much clearer and
more complete picture of all currently available evidence, including an
extensive timeline investigation of Rephaim history, as far as can best
be determined.
so far we have traced the "Watchers" from the arrival of 200 of their
number upon a mountain called "Ardis," somewhere in the Palestine area.
Their arrival was specifically for the purpose of engaging in as much
sex as possible with human females and teaching them how to "enjoy
sexual pleasures" previously unknown. Children were born to them also
possessing many of the same traits as their "divine" fathers. These
children were called by many names, predominant among them was "The
Rephaim," whose name has direct reference to sexual "vigor" and
"virility." The Rephaim were later reportedly destroyed, yet continued
references to living Rephaim and "giants" appear throughout the Old
Testament (Numbers: 13:22; 13:28-33; Deut: 1:28; 2:1-; 9:2; Joshua:
11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; Judges: 1:20), thus they obviously
did survive.
Egypt, many reports have been discovered referencing the arrival of
predynastic half-men/half-gods called the "Demigods
of Manes" who were immigrants from the land of Sumer,
a term which in both Sumerian and Epyptian means "The Land of the
Watchers." A descendant of these "Demigods" was a man known as Menes,
Narmer, or "The Scorpion King." It was Menes who succeeded in
transforming an entire country of warring factions into the world's
first and still longest-lasting Empire.
As we
have also seen, despite King Menes' enormous accomplishments he was not
deified nor revered for any of these as much as for his apparent
superior sexual capacity as the Sex God "Min." Again, the Watchers'
descendants still retaining the apparent "eternally firm", "super"
"fertility" characteristics that have always personified who and what
they were.
finally, we arrive at the Gothic accounts that also link the "Watchers"
and their descendants with the "Vampire" legends of the "Nosferati" as
"handsome young" men possessing "an insatiable sexual appetite,"
causing their lovers to appear "exhausted and emaciated" following the
enjoyment of the multiorgasmic euphorias shared. And just as had
occurred anciently, so also these Rephaim descendants were likewise
vilified and persecuted, primarily so as to keep women from "enjoy(ing)
sexual pleasures" otherwise unattainable.
Thus the
"Dark Gift" has continued down through the millennia as both a gift and
a curse to its possessors.
Final Thoughts and Portents for the Future -
from the Research Subject, Himself
the same degree that many men today might consider such males as
ourselves a threat to their ability to sexually and romantically
attract females, so did they then. While welcomed in Sumer and Egypt,
yet in ancient Canaan and later during the Middle Ages, we were
vilified as inherently 'evil' and a danger to the lives and 'souls' of
females everywhere. In particular during the Middle Ages in Eastern
Europe, to 'protect' the Christian women of Medieval Europe from such
sensual 'demonic possession,' first the communities then the local
clergy and ultimately the Church branded those of us exhibiting this
naturally multiorgasmic capacity with the particularly terrifying
label: nosferatu.
frighten women and arouse the wrath of the local populaces we were
slanderously depicted as creatures of the night, as the 'Undead,' as
parasites that suck the life from the female living. And while these
outrageous lies succeeded in their purposes against us, ultimately
resulting in many deaths and forcing us to leave Eastern Europe en
masse, yet they also have ironically spawned a rich tapestry
of folklore, literature, and film that despite its total lack in
truthful basis, still even today retains some of the original sense of
eroticism that is the literal embodiment of who and what we truly are
and always have been; perhaps in the end a fitting and lasting tribute
to the 'Dark' Legacy of which I, for one, am physiologically part.
I term this capacity a 'Dark' Gift? Perhaps. Undoubtably all examples
of unusual ability, capacity, or power can be employed for both good
and evil. And all such examples can be perceived by Society as being
either inherently good or evil. Thus such a determination depends
largely upon both the attitudes of the possessor and the 'possessed,'
(I use that term metaphorically, only), the Rephaim male and the
Society in which he resides. Of course, as present-day Society is as
unaware of this capacity's potential for social and sexual evolution as
were the medieval communities that spawned the nosferatu
legends, there is always the 'danger' of evil, - but not to Society and
certainly not to women, the true benefactors of this Gift. The danger
lies, as it always has, in Society's stereotypical reaction to that
which it does not understand: fear, suspicion, vilification,
condemnation, and ultimately, if permitted, -- eradication. Only
through scientific research, such as with this first-ever research
study, and public awareness can it be possible to have understood that
which has forever been misunderstood. And such has been my quest since
discovering my own uniqueness and seeking research of it.
women have been unable to fully realize their true sexual and emotional
potentials with their MRP-limited male partners, it is hoped that as a
result of the research now initiated the day may come when Science may
unlock the secrets to MRP and both sexes might one day meet on truly
equal sexual grounds and realize a sexual compatibility and an
emotional fulfillment together never before possible. This, then, is
the true 'Dark Gift' that we, the descendants of the original Rephaim,
have expressed and enjoyed with women, our sexual and emotional equals,
throughout history, and that is hoped -- through continued research --
might someday be offered all men.
it someday become possible to finally bridge this greatest of all
sexual chasms separating men and women, it is my hope that both sexes
might then find it much easier to resolve their many lesser
differences, for the unparalleled benefit and fulfillment of all."
* * * * *

© Copyright
1994 Warner Bro.s
The Paranoia:
close analysis will show that the only emotions which in the long run
harm are those arising from sex impulses, and when we have realized
this, we have put a finger on the actual point of danger."
Bram Stoker, author of Dracula
"The Censorship of Fiction";
The Nineteenth Century and After; September 1908;
in "Bram Stoker";
Belford, 1996, p.312.)

with Me, as we fly high over the plastic houses where men
and their women disentangled lie like mismatched dolls, the
morning-after taste of disenchantment collecting tartly in their
- Doris
© Copyright Boris Vallejo
"... Enlightenment be the gate, Almeya, the Path,
and we, the Rephaim, its sole guardians.
Consider well what you ask. For once imparted, we are yours and you,
- Book of Azazel, Ch. 23, V. 4
Rephaim Society
Whether in posession of the original historic "dark" gift or seeking
companionship with those who are, the Rephaim Society seeks to provide
a warm, friendly, and safe atmosphere for all inquiring into the true
origins of vampirism, before the blood-drinking, fang-wielding
vilifications of our enemies began.
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